Chapture one Halloween

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It's been almost half year since the engagement and both them are still in love with each other there learning more about each other with the passing day but today was different today was Halloween a little spooky in the air. Syo loved Halloween even though he hated  being dressed up by Natsuki he loved this holiday because he could do his own costume and he could be whatever he chose. Of course the other member wanted him be something cute including Natsuki they even joked but Syo made a vow he would scare the pants off them all but not Ai cause Ai did know what Halloween was but he didn't know why people dressed up for the holiday and got candy for being in a costume and being a robot he didn't scare easy so what was the point in scaring him. However this year for Syo he was going partake in this holiday he was going cross dress as his sister Aiko for the holiday just for fun and he really could not think of anything scarier then robot woman so he tied his hair in pig tales and wore a skirt and pink sweater and said " Okay this for  Syo  gosh I look like fool no wonder  Kotobukí like this holiday it's for kids" he said  putting on the finishing touches of his costume. As for Syo he was going a prince even though he wanted scare his band mates witch he did he couldn't do that to Nanami so he dressed him self as prince and " I am manly prince I show them all ! He was very proud of himself.

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