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His lips tasted like fresh strawberries and the promise of summer. Her lips, gentle and soft, were filled with a certain mystery and a desire for belonging.

Eean held her small face as he locked their lips together. Their hearts only inches away, simultaneously beat with the same rhythm. And for what seemed like an eternity, their souls intertwined and danced in the stage of nothingness.

Scarlet, finally mustering up some strength, tried to push Eean off of her. She was terrified. In a matter of minutes, she had lost her first kiss to a stranger.

"P-please g-get off", she pleaded. Eean curious towards her reaction, backed away. No woman had ever rejected his lustful intentions. Yet here in front of him, the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, seemed taken aback by his actions. She was fidgeting, her eyes wandered everywhere except at him.

"Look at me Scarlet."

Cautiously she met her eyes with his. His stone cold eyes were filled with so much pain and lost hope. She wanted to ask why, but she stopped herself. There is a time for everything she thought.

"I'm quite astonished Scarlet, most women find me irresistible, yet you don't. What a fascinating one you are", he smirked.

Scarlet felt her blood boil at Eean's disgusting display of arrogance. How dare he label women as just some creatures lustful towards him? Has he no shame?

She surprisingly glared at him, and it must of surprised Eean as well because his icy blue eyes opened in wonder.

Scarlet got up and with a newfound confidence said, "You sir, have no right to touch others without their permission. And to be surprised that they rejected your intentions is an absolutely ignorant thing to say! No woman or man should be forced to do something they don't want to do. How dare you assume that as a woman I should be lusting after you! How dare you take my first kiss away without my consent! And now with that said, I hope you have a good day". She stomps her feet and quickly turns away from him, hoping she could escape the room before the young man has a chance to gather his thoughts.

With all the confidence she has left, Scarlet grabs her stuff and runs out of the room. She has already missed her first class, she can't afford to miss her second. But nevermind that, her head was filled with spiraling thoughts of the sexy young man and his soft lips. Never in her life had someone made her feel this way. And as she ran to her class, she brought her fingers up to her lips, subconsciously hoping she would meet Eean again.

Meanwhile, back in the locker room, Eean Wolfe sat in shock as he had just been rejected for the first time in his life.

He brings his hand to his head and slightly chuckles. His chuckles grow into laughter as he sits alone looking like a madman. This woman, this Scarlet, absolutely intrigues him. The first women to reject him, and her speech, great god her voice only proved to be more enticing. He has to have her. He needs to taste more of her. Her lips were only a tease. Yes, it's official, this woman is going to be his and his alone.

As Eean makes up his mind, he gets up and dusts himself off. He walks toward his locker and grabs his equipment. Football practice started an hour ago, and he was sure a lecture was waiting for him, but that didn't trouble him. His mind was controlled by the color red, and he couldn't do anything to change that.

_ x_x_x_x_x_x_x_x_x_x_x_x_x_x

English was Scarlet's favorite subject. The prose, the poetry, and the stories were nothing short of fascinating to her. She wanted to be a writer ever since she was a child. She wanted to tell the stories lost in the past and hidden from the future, the stories that were forbidden and different. Because she was different, and her story was lost in the echoes of the past.

As her class was about to start, Scarlet grabbed the seat closest to the front. She does not consider herself a 'goody two shoes' by any means, but her desire for learning is unmatched. And she finds that sitting in the back only inhibits her progress and leads to daydreaming.

Before the teacher took his seat, he first introduced himself. This small, pudgy man calls himself Mr. Henderstein.

"Good afternoon class. My name is Mr. Henderstein and I will be your English Literature teacher for this term. Before I get into the details for this class, I would like to congratulate each and every one of you for your enrollment at this university. That was not an easy task by any means, and I hope that by working together we can reach a prosperous year in this class."

The class roared with cheers and applause. Scarlet felt excitement rush through her blood. This was certainly going to be a splendid year indeed.

Mr. Henderstein took his seat and organized some papers in front of him.

"Now than" he continued, "our first major assignment for this class will be do in three weeks. I know, I know save me the groans, but I assure you this will be quite a project. I will assign each and everyone of you an individual. You are to write me an honest biography of that individual. Save me the fluff and garbage, I want you to show me the real person behind the mask. Every person has a mask, and I want you to show me the person without all the lies and barriers."

A young man raises his hand and makes the most unnecessary comment.

"Excuse me sir, but isn't that kind of creepy. I mean I wouldn't want to have my deepest darkest secrets known to my teacher".

A few giggles escape the class and Mr. Henderstein motions his hands to silence the crowd.

"Cut the crap son. I don't need details of your crossdressing hobbies. I want the emotion behind the person. Real writers know how to write about the unexplainable feelings that consume people! I want you to show me you can do that! I want to see that you can understand people, because in this day and age we are all oblivious of the pain and hardship that surrounds each and every one of us! Show me that you are not all ignorant fools! Find me the truth! Any questions?"

Silence presents itself in the room as Mr. Henderstein's words must've reached the hearts of all the students.

Scarlet replayed his words over and over. She anaylzed his tone and posture. She knows this little man is desperately waiting for his story to be told. His story must've been lost in the echoes of the past.

Calming himself, Mr. Henderstein brushes his hair with hand and sighs.

"Now then, excuse my little rant. I didn't mean to waste our entire class period. Very well, I will try to cram all I have left in these five minutes. When I call out your name, I will give you an individual who you'll write about. This person does not have to be in this class. They must however be a student of mine in any other class. Okay, Josh Sanders you have Melinda Crew. Ron Dennis, you have Chris Fro. Sally Mesin...."

Eventually Scarlet let her mind wander from Mr. Henderstein's rambling and to the prospect of her project. She was quite excited yet scared. What if she failed? How could she possibly face Mr. Henderstein? But if she succeeded, then she just might gain an everlasting friendship.

As she turned her attention back to Mr. Henderstein, he called out her name.

Oh dear, this is it, she thought.

"Scarlet Frost, you will be paired with Eean Wolfe, Jonathan ....."

Darkness surrounded her mind as that familiar named rolled off of Mr. Henderstein's tongue. The entire class ignored the rest of the names, and placed all their attention on Scarlet.

Whispers echoed in the room, and as the bell rang, Scarlet was left in her seat to ponder over this unfortunate circumstance.

Surely, this is unfortunate? Right?

So why does part of her feel confused? No, her feelings are concrete. This man does not affect her. And this assignment will not change anything.

She'll make sure of that.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2016 ⏰

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