Monster Inside

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Scene: Annabelle is in a cell at HYDRA, Steve has been brainwashed and thinks he's a HYDRA agent. And Annabelle has possibly gone insane. (A/N: I'm a horrible person... really only I would think of something this twisted. Heard the song on the side and figured it fit well with the one shot so... yeah)

"Come on guys! Can't I at least have the ability to move?" I call out to the guards near my cell. I'm handcuffed to a pole in a cell at HYDRA.

Epic fail.

"Shut up." A guard says.

"No. I want to at least be able to move! It's bad enough I'm in a cell in the one place I hate the most." I snap. Not my brightest idea.

One of the guards walks over and unlocks the handcuffs. I rub my wrists, wincing a little.

"Finally! Jeez, were you trying to cut off the circulation to my hands?" I say. The guard doesn't reply, he just goes back to his chair.

"What, too shy to talk to me?" I tease.

Annabelle, shut up. You're only gonna make things worse. My subconscious tells me.

But I'm bored. I mentally whine. And teasing him is fun! Oh God, I'm going insane, aren't I?

Well, talking to yourself is a sign of insanity...

I start laughing, realizing I've gone off the deep end. The guard starts talking to someone over his earpiece, I think he's asking for someone to come shut me up.

To my surprise, the agent that responds is none other than my boyfriend, Steve Rogers. Shit.

Steve pins me against the wall and I start laughing hysterically, like I always do when I'm scared of my mind.

"Stop laughing." He says coldly.

"S-sorry. I laugh when I'm scared or nervous.. or both." I say, still laughing. "Y'know, it's not really something  I can control."

He smacks me, trying to shut me up. I pause, not comprehending what just happened.

"You hit me." I murmur, nearly silent. My hair and eyes start turning purple, letting the world know that the other side of me- the bad side- is making an appearance. I wrap my hands around Steve;s wrists, tightening my grip until I hear bones break. Steve cries out, HYDRA's brain washing having worn off when I broke his wrists.

"Annabelle!" He says, trying to pull his wrists away. My hair and eyes are completely purple by now, not that I'd be able to tell.

"Don't ever hit me again." I growl, my voice taking on a dark and sadistic tone. He looks at me, fear showing in his expression. Some part of me feels guilt, but it's masked and over-ruled by the other me.

"Annabelle please." He begs. Suddenly, my mind is my own again and my actions truly register in my mind. I drop his wrists and cover my mouth, horrified.

"O-oh my God. I'm so sorry." I whisper. Steve backs up, still afraid of me. I see the hurt, betrayed look in his eyes and shadow travel back to my apartment.

"I'm a monster."

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