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"Answer me!" The voice screams. Between the blindfold and handcuffs, I'd assume they want to keep me in place.

"I said ANSWER ME!" He screams. I can only assume it's a he-

Pain interrupts my thoughts.

"She can't." A second voice chimes in. "She's mute."

Finally, someone who realizes the reason why I'm not answering. I feel the cool, sharpness of a blade trace the scar on my throat.

"Yes, well, she's about to be dead if we don't get an answer." He says. The second voice gasps.

"Don't you understand? She can't speak!" It says. This voice is kind, and higher pitched. It belongs to a female.

"Shut up Stephanie!" He growls. I was right.

"NO! I will not allow you to kill an innocent girl just because she can't speak!" Stephanie yells. I hear the squishy thud of a fist meeting skin, and assume he hit Stephanie. The cool knife blade is up against my throat again in a matter of seconds.

"One last chance- answer me or I'll slit your pretty little throat. Where is Captain Rogers?" The man asks. I lift my shoulders in a weak shrug.

"Turn around Bucky." A familiar voice asks. Well, looks like 'Bucky' has his answer. Captain Rogers is in this room.

I tune out whatever conversation is going on- determined to find a way out of the handcuffs. I'm sure if I had a voice I would have been crying out in pain, but no, I'm silently suffering while I attempt to snap the chain holding the handcuffs together.

Something warm drips down my hand and onto the floor. Blood...

My blindfold is ripped off and I wince at the sudden change. There's a girl kneeling in front of me, she looks like Steve.

I assume this is Stephanie.

"Don't worry, I can fix that." She murmurs, seeing the cut on my wrist from me yanking on the handcuffs. She unlatches (?) the cuffs and they drop to the floor.

I stare at the Stephanie warily, not sure if I can trust her.

The sound of someone crying out in pain distracts me and my head whips around to find the source. Steve is standing, looking a little bit beat up, and there's a man on the ground, unconscious. I practically leap from the chair and run over to Steve, throwing my arms around him in what qualifies as a bear hug from me. He chuckles softly.

"Are you okay Gwen?" He asks. I nod once then shake my head and hold my hands up. Steve winces at the sight of my bloody wrists.

Can we leave now? I sign, eager to get away from my kidnappers.

"Of course we can." Steve murmurs. I smile at him and start towards the only door in the room. I don't hear the footsteps behind me, or the click of a gun being loaded.

I do hear the gun firing and Steve crying out in shock and pain.

I do hear my scream.

I do hear the first noise I've made in thirteen years.


Avengers/Marvel One-shotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang