Nothing special~

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(Y/n) = your name
(F/c) = fav colour
(S/c) = second colour
(F/b) = fav book
(F/S) = fav song
More will be added

Your p.o.v
I sighed a deep sigh as I waited for the school doors to open. Why? Well because the first year the doors don't open until later. How do I know this? Because i tried the doors. I looked around at the friendship groups. It's my first year here. I was home schooled before I came here... well to tell the truth it's my first year ever in school... my mum was so overprotective after what happened to Jake... I shock my head trying to erase all memories off him... I pretended to be texting someone as I lent against the fountain.

The bell rang roughly around 5 minutes later. Everyone piled into the school. I hang back so I could avoid being pushed around as I am so small..

I finally walked into the school and felt overwhelmed by how big it was. I managed to navigate myself through the never ending menacing hallways to my home room. When I opened the door everyone turned around to look at me. "Your late.." the teacher snapped. "Sorry.." I muttered and took a seat. My cheeks where burning form the embarrassment. I pulled out my (f/b) and hide behind the thick pages and read. "Now class you are suppose to go to the hall today how ever that will not happen today as it's under construction from a recent.... incident *ahem* any way you should have your schedule and please don't be late to your first class." Sir said and everyone directed there attention to me... I sank into my chair. Why can't the floor just swallow me up!?

The bell rang for first period and I have chemistry! Ugh I hate chemistry... well I hardly did chemistry when I was home schooled... I sighed as I rushed through the hallways.. 101...103 ahaha! I found it! 105! I mentally patted my own back and the pushed open the doors. Perfect! One table left and it looks like I'll be able to sit on my own! At least that's good! I sat down and unpacked my stuff. A girl sat next to me with white hair. "Ok class you all need to find a lab partner and you will be stuck with them for the rest of the year.. so chose wisely!" Miss said. The girl turned to face me. Was she gonna ask me!? Did she want to be my friend?! "Hey!" She said . "Hi-" I began but she cut me off. "Can you move so my friend can sit there?" She asked smiling at me. I tried to hide my disappointment "u-um sure!" I said and got all my stuff and stood up. I looked around and everyone had a partner bar me... I frowned.. I didn't really want to have to stand up front and have the teacher find me a partner. "Sup freshman." A guy with green hair called to me. "H-hi?" I questioned. "Seems you don't have a partner." He made fun. I was taken aback by how rude he was. I went red and opened my mouth to protest but someone pulled my arm. "There you are! Come on!" A boy with black hair said and pulled me down into an empty seat next to him. I sqweaked. The green haired guy rolled his eyes. "Who are you?" I whispered.
"I'm Aaron." He said bluntly. (Ok so I'm this Aaron is nice and friends wit Aphmau and that.. just to let you know. But he's a bit of a jerk at first.)
"W-why did you help me?" I whispered.
"I need a lab partner and your the only one left." He snapped. I stayed quite.. he was so infuriating.. but being the coward I am I couldn't stand up for myself.. I picked up my pen and started copying down the questions on the board.. I sighed this is gonna be hard...


The bell rang and I walked out of class. I have a free period now so I decided to find my locker. I found it after trial and error. I opened it up and put my chemistry book in. I was about to shut my locker when someone shut it for me. "What-" I began. Aaron stood there looking awkward. "Look I'm sorry for earlier.. I'm just new to this whole school thing." Aaron said. "Your a freshman?" I asked suddenly not feeling as intimidated by him.. he chuckled. "No I'm a senior.. I've just come from a military school.." Aaron said. I smiled. "I was home schooled since today actually." I said smiling. Aaron lent on my locker. "Oh really? I bet it was fun." He said. I shrugged. "Not really I was lonely, I had no friends.. I didn't sozialize, my mums overprotective because of ja-" I cut myself off.. tears threatened to roll down my cheeks. I miss him. Why am I even telling Aaron this? I hardly know him and I don't know if I can trust him... "why don't you sit with me and my friends at break?" He asked. I nodded slowly. "Ok." I simply said. At least it beats being alone.. "see you around." He said and walked off. "Now where are the girls toilets.." I muttered to myself and wandered the halls. I finally found them and locked the stall door.. I let me tears out and I cried for the rest of my free period.. what happened to Jake I'll never forget how ever hard I try.. I sighed and washed my face with the sink faucet. I cheeked my apperance and I look terrible. I groaned and walked to the canteen.

"(Y/N) ! Over here!" A fimiliar voice called. I spun around and saw Aaron. I waved and walked over. It was only him and a girl with black hair sat at the table. "Hey! (Y/n)! I'm Aphmau! Aaron told me about you!" She said blushing a little when she said Aaron. Wait? She likes him? Hmm... "I-it's nice t-to meet you.." I mumbled. "Awe she's adorable." A girls voice chimed in. I turned around to see a girl with dark frown hair stood behind me. "This is teony!" Aphmau said gesturing towards the girl and I smiled and waved. A bunch of other people sat around the table. I suddenly felt really uncomfortable as everyone stared at me and started firing questions at me.. I know they mean well.. they all seem nice enough but is getting overwhelming as I went form knowing no one to a lot of people! I just politely smiled and nodded as Katelyn I think? Was talking about being captain of the volleyball 🏐 team. "Does Travis like Katelyn?" I whispered to Aphmau. "I think so we all ship it anyway." Aphmau said. "What's a ship?" I asked confused. "Aren't they a boat?" I added. Everyone looked at me shocked. "You don't know what a ship is?" Aaron asked. I shock my head. "What you been doing all your life?" Dante rudely asked. Aaron glared at him and so did katelyn. "I've told you, very protective mum.. she only let me use the internet for the first time last week.." I said.
"Wow I thought my dad was bad.." katelyn gasped. "She means well." I said trying to defend my mum. "I bet she does-" but the bell cut Garroth short. I got up and I had pe next. I walked to pe with Aaron and Aphmau. Aaron went to the boys changing rooms and I went to the girls with Aphmau. We got changed and walked out onto the tracks. "Ok class, today we will be. Doing our relays! Oh and my name is Mr. Logan!" Mr Logan said. He blew a whistle and we all got into teams. Aaron and Aphmau where in a different team to me. Sir blew the whistle and my team mates started to sprint. I was place at the end so I had the longest distance to run. Aaron was also at the end, Aphmau the second to last. It was my turn to run so I ran as fast as I could. I was quite good at running. I reached the end and drew with Aaron. "Wow such a close call!" Mr Logan said impressed. "I think you too should join the track team." He said  seriously. "I'll think about it." I said.
"(Y/n) you where so fast! How did you do it?!" Aphmau asked jogging over. "I dunno I just ran?" I said. Aaron chuckled. I just smiled at them..


Soon it was the end of the school day.
Everyone had left except for Aphmau and Aaron. "Can I walk with you?" Aphmau asked me. "Well.. I live (give directions)" I said. "I live by there too! Come on let's go!" Aphmau said excitedly and pulled me along. "Bye Aaron!" I yelled to Aaron and he waved. As we walked to my house we talked about all shorts of things. We reached my house first. I waved to Aphmau and opened my front door. "Hey mum!" I yelled. Mum emerged from the kitchen. "Hi love, did you have a good day?" Mum asked .
"Yea my day was great!" I said and ran upstairs..


My way? Aaron x-reader Where stories live. Discover now