Lucky princess (Fem! reader x Nagito)

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(A/N): Sorry if the grammar is not good ;-; at least i'm trying T-T if you found a mistake tell me in the comments.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V:

As the ultimate magician, i was a the park practising some new tricks for one of my performances. For some of them i needed a person to help me, so i called the first one who came to my mind... Nagito Komaeda. I don't really know why i did it. I have a huge crush on him, so it will be difficult to practice without being nervous. Oh! He's here, i'd better go with him...

-"H-Hi Nagito"-I said shyly

-"Hi (Y/N)"- He said with a bright smile in his face.

-"Can we start with the practice?"-I asked

-"Yeah but... why did you call such a piece of trash like me?"

-"Nagito, you are not trash!"


-"Ok, lets do thi-"

Suddenly I heard someone crying

-"What happened?"

-"Don't you hear something?"

-"No..."- He answered

Then i realized that the sound came from... the kids area. Nagito and i went there and we found a little boy about 5 years old i guess. He had blond hair and purple eyes. He was alone in the swings I wonder where are his parents

-"Hi, what's your name?"-I asked


-"Hey, say something"-I insisted

-"Mommy says that i musn't talk to strangers"

-"Your mommy is right, but now i just wanna help you... ok? My name is (Y/N)"

-"M-my name is Kazuki"-(Kazuki because i found it on the internet :v)

-"Why were you crying?"-Asked Nagito

-"I was w-walking home...with my parents and saw this park so I c-came here to play but when I tried to go home I realized that I was l-lost"

-"We'll take you to the police station so they can find your parents" I said

-"Ok"-he said wiping his tears with the sleeve of his jacket.

-"Come on, lets go"-said Nagito

Nagito's P.O.V:

(Y/N) called me to help her practice for her performance, but now we are at the police station with a lost kid. Could this get worse?

-"What's the problem?"-Asked the policeman

-"We were at the park and we found this child alone in the swings"-I said pointing at Kazuki

-"He said he was walking home with his parents but he got lost"-Said (Y/N)

We gave the policeman more information about Kazuki and they told us to stay with him at the park. This kid is ruining everything, today I was supposed to tell (Y/N) about my true feelings for her.I guess it is okay, they look happy.

Kazuki's P.O.V:

Wow! This is amazing. I wish I could be a magician just like her, but now i want to do something else.

-"Can we go to the castle?"-I asked

-"Sure"-she said smiling and we went to the wooden castle.

-"So, what do you want to do?"- she asked

-"I want to be a prince"- i said-"And every prince has princess so... can you be my princess?"

-"Why me?"

-"Because I think you are pretty"-I said and she smiled again.

-"Can i play?"-asked the white haired guy

-"Well, we need a villian...I got it! You'll be the evil wizard who tries to kill the princess"-I said

We were playing for an hour until the police found my parents, so I hugged (Y/N) and left with my family. I don't know if it was just my imagination, but I think that the guy was a little annoyed. Anyway, i liked playing with them.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V :

After that, Nagito and I sat in a bench for a while

-"You are very good taking care of children"-he said smiling-"You should be ultimate babysitter instead of ultimate magician"

-"Really?"-I asked giggling

-"Yeah"-He answered-"I feel a little sad for Kazuki"


-"Because he didn't stayed with the princess"

-"Na-Nagito"-I started to blush

-"(Y/N)... would you like to be my princess?"

-"O-of course i would"-I said blushing madly

-"Really?"-he said with sparkling eyes-"I'm so happy!!"

Then, he hugged me tightly as if he didn't want me to go. I can't believe this is happening to me, how could this get better?

-"I love you!"-He exclaimed

-"More than hope?"-i asked smiling

-"You ARE my hope"- he said

It was definitly, the best day of my life.

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