First day of a new school year

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(Hello there everybody! Its great to be back! Here is chapter one for all of you who haven't forgotten me... BTW, I changed my name)


It was such a beautiful Tuesday morning! The sun was shining, the air was warm and the sun shined in through my window as I awoke!... Then realized that it was the start of a new school year... FUCK! I'M NOT READY FOR THIS! Sigh... I hate this so much right now.. School is one of the most WORST places to be! Well, for me at least... Why? Well, lets just say, a... 'Rumor' spilled out about me and now everyone's acting awkward around me... But that was last year...

I decided to get up, finally, after like... 5 Minutes later, I guess. I walked out of my room and nearly fell onto the floor from being too tired to stand. Over the other side of the room, i could hear Cadenza shaking her head and making a disappointed noise. I could tell, however, that she was only joking. That made me smile, knowing one person doesn't judge me. Including my parents, that would be 3... Or was it 2? No, definitely 3!

"Laurence, Laurence... I'm so disappointed right now!" i could hear her say with a little bit of a chuckle at the end. I stood up and smiled at her big. "Good morning to you too, sis!" I walked to the bathroom and started showering. At these moments, I would think deep thoughts. These would include: 'Am I even a human? Do we even exist? Are we just fragmentation's of one person's mind?' However, this time it was different... 'Will i find love? Will I still be judged? Will i find a boyfriend?'

I snapped out of it and stepped out the shower, making sure I'm dry. I then stepped in my room to get dressed into the 'Phoenix Drop High School' uniform. It makes me look good, good enough that I look gay... So, pretty much me everyday... I walked out the same time my sis walked out. We pretty much have this, sorta, 'twin connection' kinda thing... We do exactly the same thing when we're close together. Its really cool!

We both looked at the time and realized we didn't have much time. We looked at each other and ran out the door before our parents could say a word. They looked at each other and smiled then looked back and waved. I anted to get there as early as possible so barely anyone could see me. I ran to the gate as it opened and slowed down to class, waving at Cadenza goodbye. I walked a bit faster but bumped into someone on the way.

It was at that moment...

I met him...


It was currently 7:00 when I woke up... I was so tired though! But I couldn't go back to sleep... Not on the first day of school... I groaned loud and walked to the bathroom before anyone else and started showering. That must've woke up Zane because, 1. I could feel his eye staring at me from the door. I mean, he's gay and all, but he's taken. 2, he's always up when he hears water running...

"Morning bro..." I said. I heard dammit straight after as if he was tying to be hidden... "Dammit! Hehe, hi..." I smiled as he walked past to get breakfast as soon as I steppe out and let the water just drip down on me. That woke me up fully! I walked back to my room and put on the school uniform I had received. I laughed nervously to myself... This feels weird considering this is a new school I'm going to, but because I'm scared they won't accept my bro... Or, me, but that's in the past... Still hate him...

I looked myself in the mirror and saw my new image. This 'hot' blonde guy with ocean blue eyes and 'A dreamy face'. I can't let go of what 'He' told me, but whatever...  I don't give a fuck. I walked out and looked at my parents room. I wonder if they even know about me... they know about Zane, but me? I've never said a word... I sighed and walked downstairs to see my dad at the couch. Mom usually works early in the mornings, so she's normally not here. I smiled at my dad as he smiled back.

I walked to the door ignoring breakfast and realized it was 8:30. The gates opened at 8:50 and it took me 15 minutes to get to school on foot. I started dashing towards school in an unorganized fashion and ran through the forest, not getting one bit dirty. This is how the Ro'Meave's do it! I landed onto school grounds and ran into the entrance of school. I had a form to go to and find, but instead, I ran into a guy on his way to his form.

In that exact moment...

i met my soulmate...

(Now I'm just gonna stop it there! I hope I can update more frequently from now on! Sorry for the wait!)

High School - Garrenceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें