Real friends

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Kai stabs him in the back and he falls to the ground. He does the same thing that he did to Kimblee. Then he sits down next to me. "How ya holding up?"

I glare at their lifeless bodys and feel a sense of relief hit me. I look down at my side and smile. "I'm hangin' in there. How're you doin'?"

"Nothing happened to me."

"That's not what i'm referring to."

"Nothing happened to me." He repeats.

I sigh and nod. "Right.." I force myself up and balance myself on the wall. "Let's get out of here."

"Do you need help?"

I shake my head. "No, I can do it." I open the door and walk out. He stomps his foot on the ground and the rocks covering the entrance to the cave crumble to the ground. He walks out of the cave and picks up Sage. I walk out and look back at the cave. I kneel down and place my hands on the ground. I bind the rock together, sealing off the cave completley. 'No one needs to go in there..'

He sighs and looks at me. "...So did you find what you were looking for?"

I shake my head. "No, I thought it would have been with Kimblee..but I guess I was wrong." I stare at the ground. "At least you got what you came for."

"What were you looking for?"

"A necklace..I know it sounds dumb to go through all this trouble for something as simple as a necklace, but I need to find it."

"Well it looks like your stuck with me until you find it."

I smile a little. "You're not sick of me yet?"

"Maybe I am. But you helped me, so I gotta return the favor."

"You know I help without the intent of being helped back." I hop on the camel. "But I could use a traveling buddy."

"Excuses excuses. Whether you wanna admit it or not. You like hanging out with me." He sets Sage on his shoulder and crosses his arms

I roll my eyes and laugh. "Riiight, cause I totally enjoy hanging out with a guy like you." I joke.

"One day you're gonna put me behind bars and well, because I can tolerate you, I'd be just fine with that." He grabs the reins of the camel and starts walking.

'I wouldn't let that happen anyway.' I smile and look down at him. "does this mean we're real friends now..?"

"...Yeah...real friends." He smiles.

[End of book 1 ]

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