Chapter 2 begining of the grand magic games

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Chapter 2 : Beginning of the grand magic games

I'm finally back in fairy tail like always it's a loud , rowdy but cheerful guild.

I'm extremely greatly to be back home, the guild is hustling a bustling like always especially with The grand magic games less then a month away and all have been training intensely , To determine who would represent fairy tail.
From my walk from fairy hills I though about this , I neared fairy tail and pushed open the guild doors and reached the bar sitting beside Natsu , Gray and Erza many greeted me as I walked in I smiled bright and spoke a soft " morning ".

" morning Lucy , even thought its noon ". Mira said while cleaning glasses " can I get you anything ". she asked in her usual motherly tone ,

" umm a cup of tea would be nice ". I said she nodded and turned around preparing it for me Erza turned her head to me

" Lucy wanna go on a mission today ". Erza asked crisply
" sure , do you have on in mind I asked "? she was about to reply when master called out loudly cutting her off .

" ok listen up you brats! the grand magic games are coming up as you know and I have determined the team that will represent fairy tail , Erza , Gray , Natsu , Wendy and Juvia. Go pack you leave tommorrow". Master said while walking out of his office into the guild hall

" wait what about Lucy she's strong " Natsu yelled

Gramps shrugged I smiled and looked at Natsu " don't worry Natsu every thing happens for a reason ". I said while taking a small sip of my tea the Mira placed down for me moments before.

I smiled secretly I'm going to the grand magic games along with Gajeel , Laxus , Mira , Cana I'm team B gramps back up plan Mira looked at me and smiled, she knew exactly what I was thinking .

" well guys I'm going to go back to my apartment , see you all at the games and good luck ". I said while Waving good bye

I began packing as well , we were told to were black I pulled out a pair of black shorts and a lace peplum with a pair of thigh high socks and a pair of black convers , along with my dagger and thigh sheath.

I changed into a pair of red flannel pants and a black tank top and climbed into my bed and fell into a dreamless sleep.


I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and light sun rays shining into my room , I got up quickly and got ready meeting team b at the train station.

We got our ticked and hopped on the train , both gajeel and Laxus had motion sickness , we looked at them with false pity Cana then turned to me her buzz already staring ,

" Lucy your a dragon slayer why aren't you affected with motion sickness". Cana asked while drinking out of her flask

" I guess I got use to it to be honest I have. No idea " I said chuckling slightly Cana shrugged and Mira chuckled
After a few hours we arrived at the train station and every one was off to sleep. I stood up collecting my things then softly spoke to the rest.

"were here guys ". Laxus and Gajeel eyes shot open quickly the grabbed there things and hurried out
The rest of us laughed at there childish behaviour and walked out to our inn.

I had my own room happily, I put all my stuff away and plopped down on my bed deciding what to do , I stood up and walked to the door , I'll find Natsu I whispered while walked out of my room.

And went to see Mira Cana , both stood in there respected room unpacking
" Mira I'm going out to find Natsu , Gray and Erza if that's alright ".

Mira smiled and nodded " don't get in any fights with other guilds " Cana added while I ran out
" I won't "! I called back just loud enough so they could hear me,

I entered the town and wandered a bit until, I sensed him I followed his sent until I saw him walking around with happy both had smiles sprawled Argos there faces I ran up beside him calling his name loud his eyes traveled to mine and he broke into his signature grin,

" hey ", I said while joining his side

" Lucy when did you get here "? he asked

" a few minutes ago actually just settled into the inn ".

He nodded " wanna walk around town " he asked softly while looking around the town square I nodded looking at the twinkling lights and beautiful City.


We wandered for hours talking and laughing to our hearts content by the end of the night we all had flowers in our hair and , until a guy came flying at us literally.

" what the hell " , I snarled while looking to Natsu we both exchanged glances then Natsu ran off " wait Natsu ". I screamed but he ignored me continuing down the street leaving me and happy in the dust " I'll be right back Luce "! He yelled

" happy lets fly ". I spoke while turning to happy he nodded and smiled "aye sir "!
he picked me up from my back and few above the city until we saw a huge braw and Natsu nearing

I pointed twords the commotion " Aye ". Happy said as he flew down and dropped me we walked up to Natsu

" Natsu " , I voiced reliving the tense air I stopped right beside Natsu , in front of us was two boys our age one with raven black hair and crimson red eyes the other with blonde hair and blue eyes they had two exceeds. Dragon slayers like us I scowled seeing the damage they had inflicted injured scattered everywhere Lucy visibly paled 'shit'! She muttered at the back of her mind.

" oh , Natsu-San who's that ". the blond one asked while pointing to me my heart pounded loudly as we matched glances I shook it off and look to Natsu speaking in a hushed tone

Evidently Natsu seemed pissed off " who are they ". I asked Him quietly ignoring the boy

" we are Sting and Rouge the dragon slayers of sabertooth". The blond answered cockily I scoffed he seems like an arrogant ass,

" you know your pretty cute , say Natsu-San when we battle at the grand magic games who ever wins get to have Blondie " Sting said while pointing to me Natsu erupt Into flames I snapped glaring at sting Natsu snarled stepping forward

" WHY YOU LITTLE"! I put my hand instinctively in front of Natsu speaking for myself ,

" I will not let the likes of you touch me , I am not your prize to be won I am a human being and one who is capable of kicking your ass ". Natsu smirked as I spoke coldly to him joining my side Natsu pulled me close

Sting began laughing like a madman i almost fell over " when , when could you possibly hurt me your not in the game files so fight me now! " he challenged I looked to Natsu he shrugged as I recalled Canas words I chuckled lowly no show would be proud if I did this!
I slowly emit my aura relishing my power and bringing the pressure up my eyes turned crystal blue the silent one rouge noticed my power and grabbed sting pulling him back speaking in hushed tones,

" huh well that's all the time I have, be ready blondie you will soon be mine "! He spoke

They both walked away Natsu looked to me and high fived me chuckling loudly " that's was awesome Luce"!

"I'm glad you enjoyed it " I said proudly as we walked back as if nothing happened

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