"All right, the operation is simple. We isolate the target, we eliminate the timeship, and we get out of there."

"And all while wearing this dress." Amaya pointed out to the long dress that reached down to her ankles, something that would hinder her from attacking. Crystal shrugged her shoulders as they went out the cargo door to Mississippi.

"Come back safe." Ray called out acting like the dad of the group for today.

"It's Mississippi, 1863. The weather is a temperate 58 degrees. Ooh, a little trivia, you guys are in Hinds County, which was named after General Thomas..." Ray kept rambling on right up until Sara shut off any communications that they had with him. Crystal did feel bad for benching Ray but both her and Sara were having hard times calling the shots, fearing that they might put their team in trouble.

"Did you just..." Nate almost asked before Sara answered. "Shut off his comms? Yep."

Crystal kept walking until they came across the pod, looking all crashed and no survivor inside.
"I can't believe it."

"It looks to be some kind of escape pod. No doubt, it fell out of the Temporal Zone." Martin observed watching the small puff of smoke existing the pod, beat up real well.

"No sign of anyone. Well, the power core looks exposed." Jax added on.

"That mean what I think it means?" Crystal perched her eyebrows up knowing it signified a little excitement for Mick.

"Only one way to find out."

"Thought you'd never ask." Mick said pulling out his gun as everyone backed up while he incinerated the pod.

"Ah, what's next?" Mick said in relief and ready to burn more stuff.

"Don't you think that's enough incineration for one day,
Mr. Rory?" Martin asked.

"No, I do not, Professor."

"This is turning out to be one of our easiest missions yet." Jax smiled and while they were about to head back, they heard a cry in the field.

"Help me! Somebody, please!"

Crystal looked at Jax with a glance, "You had to say that, didn't you?"

"It's over there." Amaya pointed out while they all tried to run to see the situation that was being cried for salvation.

"Help me! Help!" The man cried out with Crystal commanding to end it fast, Firestorm merging to take out the Confederates.

"Whoa, whoa. Relax. All right, you're safe now." Amaya placed her hand on the man who was struggling to find his breath.

"What in tarnations was that?What did I just see?" The man asked

"What was what? I, uh, I didn't see anything." Nate obliviously said looking all around him.

"Who are you guys? What's going on, here?"

"Look, we're just passing through." Crystal assured him trying to not raise suspicions and get their way back to the Waverider. "Okay, guys, let's get the hell out of here."

"We can't just leave him here." Amaya refuted.

"Well, unfortunately, we have to. If we rescue one man, we could alter history in the wrong way." Martin remind her, Amaya was always one to change history. Being a member of the JSA meant saving any possible lives and while it is humane and moral to, history could change in a spontaneous way.

"You're dispatch, aren't you?" Nate came forward noticing his satchel and being a historian certainly did help the team.

"Wait, what's a dispatch?" Amaya asked.

"It's a former slave providing information to the Union Army."

"My name is Henry Scott. I'm a free man from Trenton, New Jersey." He told them.

"Well, you're a long way from home." Mick said while Sara saw herself getting out of Mississippi.

"And we need to be getting out of here." Sara said but before any of them could start moving, Crystal noticed the people moving in the background.

"Uh, guys?" Crystal alerted their attention to the dead moving people coming towards them.

"Oh, my God. Those Confederates look a lot like..."

"Don't... don't... don't say it!" Martin yelled while the zombies attacked them.

Hitting them wouldn't knock them unconscious nor stabbing them with a knife. Providing no results while they tackled Crystal and most of them to the floor, she reached for her knife once again and aiming for its brain. Falling lump on sight and as she saw the others accommodate their style of attacking on the dead. The final one being smashed with a rock by Mick.

"Is everybody okay?" Crystal panted checking to see that they had all their members alive and well.

"What the hell was that?" Nate asked

"You ask me, they look like zo..." Crystal almost said before being stopped by Martin's fear of the word.

"No! Please, don't say it. I know they're essentially a myth, but I have this irrational fear of..."

"Zombies." Mick said without caring with Martin covering his ears.

"Please, don't say it." Martin asked but Martin's fear of zombies got interrupted by groaning in the background.

"Oh, God. Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey. Hang on." Jax spoke to the man who received a blow which he would soon die of.

"Satch... My... satchel. Are you... Union?" The man asked with all the force he could conjure up.


"My... my orders. Collins Plantations. Confederate troop movements. Without them..." The man used his final words to say to Jax as the man drifted off.

"Hey. Hey!" Jax called after him but it was evident that the man had died. And without those movements, The Union would lose the Civil War.

ᵐᵒⁿˢᵗʳᵒᵘˢ ▸ 𝐑𝐀𝐘 𝐏𝐀𝐋𝐌𝐄𝐑² ✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat