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014. | ❛ sibling rivalry.

Nate, as Citizen Steel, slams Ray in his new Atom suit hard into the cargo room floor. A loud echo of noise going off and disturbing the whole ship, Crystal scrunching her face due to the fact that Ray was hurt or hurting. She watched at the two sparred and delivering blow after blow, knowing that at one point or another Sara would come down and that their fighting would lead to them ending up in another random time period like last time.

"Okay. Ray groaned as he got up, "New suit's good, but I think it needs those modifications Cisco mentioned."

"You're going to need more than that, that was a sick blow that you just took." Crystal concerned as she wondered if Ray was in shape to take up these type of fights.

"It's a poor hero to blame a super suit." Nate spoke to Crystal while pointing at Ray.

"Eh, exoskeleton. Come on, let's do this. I wanna get the kinks worked out before our next mission."

"What's the rush? I think I'm doing a pretty good job picking up your slack."

"Come on, Palmer! Are you going to take that from a boring historian?" Crystal tried amping the spirits up but only received Nate's words of hurt.

"Come on, Crystal. I thought you were on my side." Nate whined to Crystal until she shrugged her shoulders and Nate paid attention to Ray.

"We scientists have a name for that phenomenon. It's called beginner's luck." Ray says leaning forward ready to grab Nate and slam him before Sara walks in, Ray instantly letting go.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" Sara used her asserting voice to nag at the two.

"Uh, s... sparring." Nate uttered.

"Yeah, he's helping me calibrate the new suit."

"Last time y'all decided to spar, you wrecked my cargo bay." Jax reminded them to which they took as an accomplishment.

"Hey! Don't make me come down here again." Sara warned using signals to show that she was watching them before she walked away with Jax. Leaving Crystal, Ray, and Nate in the cargo bay to laugh at Sara's assertiveness.

Ray and Nate started mimicking Sara once she left, "Don't you make me come down here again. I'm gonna come down here again, I'm watching you."

"Hey!" Sara yelled coming back into the cargo bay, using her same signal from before. Crystal decided to join her because she knew if she stayed with them any longer she'd be in the midst of all the trouble.

"What is going on with them?" Jax asked as they walked through the corridors of the ship.

"You don't have any brothers or sisters, do you?" Sara asked.

"Nope." Jax and Crystal said in unison.

"Sibling rivalry. Nothing to be too worried about." Sara calmly said before a loud smash echoed through the ship with flickering lights. Sara sighs before walking forward leaving Jax and Crystal to walk behind her, "This is why I'm glad I'm an only child."

While Jax went with Stein and Sara split apart into another part of the ship, Crystal ventured out to do her own things. She didn't really have things, just quiet moments between herself mostly reflecting on past memories and vaguely getting new ones. One of a woman, who could possibly be in her late 20's and early 30's. Blonde hair and looks a lot like someone she's seen before, she felt close to the mysterious person in a way that they've been through so much together. Crystal tried to stray from the memories and started to take a walk through her room, humming to a random classical tune she's heard. Spinning around her around and imagining dancing to the tune until the alarm of the aberration sounded ruining her fun.

"Who installed the alarms?" Crystal said holding her ears as she made her way to the rest of the group, "A certain one of us has super hearing."

"That'd be me." Nate said.

"We should kill him." Mick whispered in Crystal's ear, receiving a snicker from her.

"We got another one?" Jax asked.

"Yeah, and judging by these readings, it's a major one." Nate told them as they overlooked the aberration.

"Is there really cause for all this alarm? Perhaps the aberration isn't as large as we think." Martin got defensive a bit of it, and it looked like he was taking it to heart.

"The temporal tremors originate from Union Station in Chicago, Illinois, October 17th in the year 1927." Gideon informed the group.

"That's fantastic." Martin said with a beaming voice before hearing how it sounded. "I-I mean, I've always wanted to visit the roaring '20s right in the middle of Prohibition."

"That means no drinking. That's not good." Mick said.

"Well, actually under Capone, Chicago was a hot bed of vice. There was illegal drinking, gambling, prostitution." Nate informed Mick, who got on board with all of the things he loved.

"Well, then, let's fire up a tub and get there."

Crystal started to shimmy around as if she had a flapper dress, "Grab your fedoras and sparkly dresses, we're going to the 1920s."

ᵐᵒⁿˢᵗʳᵒᵘˢ ▸ 𝐑𝐀𝐘 𝐏𝐀𝐋𝐌𝐄𝐑² ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora