Losing a friend

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The next day Zach, Jacob and Mario went to the beach.
Jacob: so Zach, heard you were gonna fuck arii last night!
Zach turned to Mario and gave him a scolding look, but Mario kept his head down. But Jacob smirked.
Jacob: I haven't seen arii in ages! She was pretty hot tho last time I saw her.
Zach: really dude?
Jacob: oh sorry I forgot you two were a thing.
They walked down the beach until they found a comfy spot.
Mario: Zach...
Zach: yeah
Mario: do you think arii and Ariels friendship will be ruined.
Zach: why would it? Me and Ariel aren't even together anymore!
Mario: yeah I get it...
(Ariels P.O.V)
Okay, I have to talk to arii about this. I'll ring her
Arii: hey Ariel
Ariel: hey I need to talk
Arii: Kay Kay
Ariel: be honest with me, are u and Zach dating?
Ariel: why didn't you tell me!?
Arii: I didn't know how to! I didn't want you to be upset
Ariel: you know I'm happy for you no matter what!!
Arii: I know I was just scared!
Ariel: I gotta go
(Ariis P.O.V)
I was so upset! I just lost my best friend over a stupid boy! I couldn't move I was so sad. In my head I knew that my friendship and my relationship was over. I called Zach
Arii: where are u
Zach I'm at the beach with Jacob and Mario, why?
Arii: (no response)
Once Zach told me where he was I ran out of the house and went towards the beach. I ran on to the sand and spotted Zach and I ran towards him. I was crying my eyes out and when I got to him and I could barely breath!
Jacob looked at him with a worried face.
Zach: what's wrong?
Arii: me and Ariel are over
They all looked shocked and couldn't believe what arii had said. Arii and Zach walked off to talk about what happened and Mario got his phone out straight away and called Ariel
Ariel: what now?
Mario: your so FUCKING SELFISH
Ariel: Mario what are you talking about?
Mario: I can't believe you ended your friendship just because of a relationship! 
Ariel: I thought she didn't care about our friendship.....,
Mario: if she didn't care then why is she struggling to breath because she's crying that much?
Ariel: oh......I feel awful
Mario: you should feel FUCKING awful
(Hangs up phone)

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