chapter 1 Hi, be sure to vote for this chapter and follow me

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I sat on my breakfast table enjoying my authentic brown coffee, I like dark bitterness than sweetness. I took a sip of the warm coffee, which quickly tense my entire body like a bolt of lightning struck in the midst of the sky. I glance at the clock it is 8:45 am, I am going to be late for work, I yanked my jacket as I walked out of the front door of my apartment. As I made my way with my heart at high panic level also glancing at my elegantly sculpted watch to my small not that spacious car, then out of the blue my neighbour, who is also my colleague, John greet me, he said "morning Jane." as he said that his eyes were eyeing me into my extensively vulnerable, also quite innocent eyes, which a frisson of fright went down to my spine as he creeps me out. After all the fright I've had, the revelations of it kept repeating in my mind like a broken record. I unlocked the door of my car, sat on the soft smooth seat of my car, which I had been submerged in because of my weight, I took a sigh, started the car and drove to work.

As I reached my workplace, I swore to myself softly, there was no more parking space left to let me park my car! I tried to calm myself by listening to some soft relaxing music from my mp3 player. Then I glance to a corner of my eyes and saw a car leaving, as I saw that my happiness level was high, I drove to the spot and parked my car, I said to myself" what a rush I had this morning.

As the tall building which its panels is made out of glass, the painful sun shone its rays of sunlight, which reflected off the panels and flow into my eyes, caused a pinching sensation in my eyes, I walked out of the car and headed to my workplace, the automatic opening doors slid open as I stepped into the building, the cool air, which is also ventilated, thus it is also clean, flowed down my nostrils as I took a breath of it.

Then my colleague Em, who is also quite a chatterbox and also likes to talk shit about others behind their back, came to me with a sardonic smile on her face, greeted me also at the same time giggling. She said" Jane, you coming for the movie tonight with the gang? You know today is the end of the week, its Friday damn it!" she asked me with indignity in her as I was acting blur when she was talking to me. I reply to Em," alright I would come tonight, as I haven't gone out with you guys for such a long time because of my extremely busy schedule, I guess the gang would be very delighted with me coming to hang out together." When Em heard that, she was overjoyed that I am coming and said" be at the cinema latest by 7:30 pm." After our short conversation, Mr Addison, our company's supervisor called Em to help him carry some boxes of paperwork.

After talking with Em, John approaches me, John is, in my opinion, a very cool person, who is not very talkative and acts sophisticated somehow by just holding a paper cup filled not to the brim with clear water, I look into why he thinks that action is a sophisticated manner. John proceeds to talk to me" could you please help me by going to the convenience store nearby and get me a bottle of milk, as I still remember helping you carry a box of goods you were supposed to send it to Mr. Adler, the boss." He looks suspicious as he said that to me. I reply" alright, but first I need to finish my work." John said with an enigmatic smile on his perfectly sculptured face" ok, but you must be quick, it closes at 1:30 pm." After speaking with him, I finally can head to my desk and start to do some assignments on my desk for today.

As time flown by, in just a blink of an eye it was 10 pm, and I finally have done all my assignments, I took a breath of sigh, then cozily submerged into the office seat, after daydreaming for a while, I got up and went to the convenience store to buy a bottle of milk to repay John's favour, I walked briskly to the convenience store, as I went in the door of the store, the charming bells connected at top left corner of door rang, making me at ease. Mr Robinson, the owner of the store greeted me" good morning Jane" as he had said that, I also reply good morning back to him. After the greetings, I went to the dairy section and I was just expecting it to be that kind of boring normal working days but today was quite surprisingly different. As I head to get the milk in my very mundane mood, I was shocked when I took a glimpse of someone, someone who was standing at the corner of the store choosing what to buy from the shelve, it was Leon, my long time no see friend, he was my roommate and classmate in college two years ago, having him as a friend, as he is quite humorous, always in a good mood, seeing the world in better perspective, that is why I like him.

I took a deep breath, then proceeds to Leon, he is so engrossed in choosing what to buy that he did not even notice me. I tapped on his shoulders to alert him, he turned his head around and saw my face, and was surprised, he greet me" hi Jane, is been a while since I have seen you." I reply by saying" Hi Leon, long time no see, what a coincidence that I meet you after two years in a convenience store, I really appreciate meeting you." I giggled a little as I said that. Leon asks me" so what are you going to buy?" I answer him" just to get a bottle of milk for my colleague, John to pay him back for the favour he did for me about two-three weeks ago." He said," oh I see, so do you want to come and grab some coffee with me some time, by the way here is my number call me if you want to hang out, maybe tomorrow 3:30 pm we can get some coffee together." I agree with him " alright, how about let's go to Starbucks nearby my workplace which is just across this road, yes that building is my workplace." John said," alright, I will be there at 3 pm tomorrow waiting for you at the entrance of the building."

After the conversation, I gripped the bottle of milk ant went to Mr Robinson to pay for it, but Leon stopped me. He said," you don't need to pay for the bottle of milk, I will pay for it." The kindness that Leon gave me really touched my heart, as he proceeds to pay for his bag of chips and my bottle of milk, Mr Robinson said "that would be $7.85, sir." After john paid for the items, he handed me the bottle of milk, I thanked him" thanks, Leon, you are really kind." John replies" is my pleasure, Jane. After meeting Leon, I looked at the card, it is a business card, on it is was his phone number, his company is the Juniper high cooperation, one of the most successful companies in the entire city, and on the card it was written that he was the CEO of the company, knowing all those information surprised me, as tomorrow I would be having coffee with one of the richest people in the city, I wonder just two years after we left from college, he have already finished establishing a very successful company. After I had gotten my bottle of milk, I got out of the store, braved the sweltering heat that has been radiated from the sun, got into the building, gave John his bottle of milk, and finally I can sit down at my seat, I took a look at the laptop screen, I was shocked, I had gotten an email from Leon's company. The email said: nice to meet you, haven't seen you in such a long period of time, please don't forget to go for coffee tomorrow with me Jane."

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