I Promise; I Love You

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Pairing(s): SehunXJongin (SeKai)

Sehun's back is laid flat on the bed, his legs wrapped around Jongin's waist while his hands are tangled up in Jongin's thick black hair. They had looked into each other's eyes, silently asking for permission, just before the first touch of their lips. At that moment, Sehun swears he saw stars. Beautiful sparkling stars, lightening up all around him as he savours the soft petal-like texture of Jongin's lips. They remain in position for a few seconds before Jongin starts moving his lips as Sehun follows suit. Jongin tastes so good, so delicious. Sehun wants to savour the moment forever, savour the feel of Jongin, the emotions he made Sehun feel when their lips move in sync. But when Sehun thought that it could not get any better, Jongin is gently prodding his closed lips with his own tongue. From there, a whole new world is found. Jongin's tongue licks each part of Sehun's mouth, from the teeth to the roof the mouth. Their tongues dance a slow dance of tango, and Sehun's lips curves up as a smile. Jongin follows suit. "I love you," Jongin whispers. He traced Sehun's jaw with his lips, leaving fluttery goodness in its trail. "I love you," Jongin whispers again. This time he looks at Sehun with pure adoration and love, leaning down to capture his lover's sweet lips again. "I'm yours," Sehun whispers against their lips, hands stroking the thick locks on Jongin's head. "All yours," Jongin replies as he sits up and pulls Sehun into his lap. "I love you," Sehun confesses as he plants feathery kisses all over Jongin's face. "Stay with me," Sehun used his hands to cup Jongin's face, bending down slightly to press a firm kiss onto Jongin's lips. "Forever," Jongin replies and tilts Sehun's chin down as they engage in a searing hot kiss. A kiss that promises of love, of eternity. 'I'll take care of you, I promise,' the kiss seems to say. Jongin promises, he promises with all his heart and hopes that Sehun promises of the same too. And he does. Sehun seals the promise with the clasp of their hands, fingers entwining with Jongin's. I promise. I love you. 

4 November 2016

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