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"Jas, come on!" My little brother Asher says as he throws clothes at me.

"Go away!" I yell, throwing them at the door.

"Now, Jasmine," my older brother, Jacob, says.

"Fine!" I yell as I sit up.

We're all in high school; Asher a junior, Jacob and I seniors.

No, Jacob and I aren't twins. I had the opportunity to skip a grade in middle school, and I went straight to high school after my 7th year. Asher, too, skipped a grade. His, however, was freshman year, so he is currently a year Behind Jake and I.

Jacob is jealous, because he never got the opportunity to skip a grade level.

Mom and Dad left us when Jacob turned 17, which was a little over a year ago.

I'm 17, now, and he's 18. Asher is 15. Mom and Dad couldn't handle 3 high school kids, so they just left us to fend for ourselves and each other.

Where they went, we don't know. Where they are is a mystery.

"Dammit, Jasmine. You take too long." Jacob says as he throws me over his shoulder.

"Hey! Put me down! I'm almost done. I just have to braid my hair." I say as I pound my fists on his back.

"We're 30 minutes late. Someone forgot to set an alarm," Asher says as he and Jake both look at me.

"Oops?" I innocently say as I feel my face turn red. "Can't we just skip today?"

"Jasmine, no. We skipped all last week. They're gonna suspect something if we don't continue going to school."

"Fine, fine." I sigh as I brush my hair out. "I'm ready."

"Finally," Asher says as he runs out the door.

"Shut the fuck up!" I flip him off.

The only love I have ever gotten was from my brothers. I provide for them, but they think I have a normal job. I don't. I sell my body for sex. $5 an hour. Usually, I last for 2. Sometimes 4. The men I'm with pay me for every hour I'm with them; sex or no sex.

But Jake and Asher don't know. I don't want them to. I have to do what I can do to survive.

"We're here. If they ask questions–"

"Mom and dad went on yet another business trip. Got it." Asher and I say, cutting Jake off, while getting out of the car.

We all stand in front of the lady at the front desk longer than I would have liked.

"This is the tenth time this year–and it's only the third month." She sighs while writing three excuse slips. "How is life at home?" She asks as she hands us our slips.

"Great. Mom and Dad are on another business trip. They usually take 20 a month. It's exhausting." Jake says as we rush out. "Bye!"

"20 a month? Don't you think that was exaggerating a bit too far?" I ask as I stop at my locker.

"Maybe," Jake shrugs, "but it will buy us some more time each month."

"Yeah, but eventually they're gonna 'contact' our parents and then we're SOL if they tell them they don't live with us anymore." I say as I slam the door to my locker shut.

"Guys," Asher says as he stands between us, "I think we should just skip 1st period since it's over in twenty minutes."

"Ah, he's just like me," I say as I hold my chest.

"Shut up," he rolls his eyes.

"Don't be late tomorrow," Jake says as he and Asher both walk to class.

"My life was late. What are you talking about?" I yell back. I know the other classes can hear me, but I don't care.

Soon, they're both in their rooms, and I'm alone in the hallway...or so I think.

"What are you doing?" The principal asks as he stands near me.

"Going to class, Mr. Stone." I say as I wave bye while walking to class.

"That's what I thought."

Once he's out of sight, I exit the building and wait for second bell.

"Jasmine?" My ex boyfriend, 23, says as he walks my way.

"Shit," I mumble. "Hey, Brad."

"How are you?"

"I'm great, I—"

"I'm still waiting for you to call me and say you're ready for some fun."

He runs his hands up and down my arms, and all over my body.

"Brad, stop," I say as I try to push him away. "I can get you for sexual harassment."


"Get off of me." I struggle. I look around but see no one there.

Great. Nows my time to die.

"Dude, she said get off her." The same kid that is always there when I'm in trouble says.

"Are you her boyfriend?" Brad asks, jealous.

"Maybe," he says as he looks at me.

Brad let's go of me and walks towards him, "Look, buddy–"

"I'm not going to fight you. Just leave her alone. Thanks." He and Brad both leave, pissed at each other.

I try to follow where he went to, but the bell to second period rang.

"Dammit," I say as I run back inside the building.

I walk amongst the crowd and finally reach my class; English.

"Oh my God, it's Jasmine everyone." My friend Natalie loudly says as I take my seat beside her.

See, Natalie has friends wherever she goes. She's popular, but not cheerleader popular. Everyone knows her. Everyone likes her.

She and I, we shouldn't be friends, according to social roles. I'm the outcast at school. Even the teachers don't notice my existence unless it's to check attendance.

"Shut up," I say as I sink my head down.

"I missed you."

"Unlikely. But do you remember Brad?"

"23?" She whispers as she leans in.

"Yes," I nod. "I was outside waiting for second bell, and he started to touch me everywhere, and that guy I see every time I'm in trouble stopped him."

"Who is this dude?" Nat asks as she takes down notes.

"I don't know," I say as I sigh, "but I'm going to find out."

"And that you will." She smiles.

That day, I seen him only once more.

A quick glance, and he's gone.

Like everything else in my life, he disappears too quick.

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