"You don't get it do you?"

"Get what?"

"You are not supposed to live happily ever after!"

"Happily? You raped me! What makes you think I'm happy?!"

"Oh you're happy! You see when you wasn't happy I was. Then you started being happy again and misery came back."

"You seem like you're always miserable."

"Not before you ruined my happy life."

"Yeah. Whatever."

"DONT Whatever me! Don't you get it. YOU OWE ME!!"

"What do you want?"

"That's a good question. What do I want? I tell you what I want. I want you to suffer. That's what I want."

"This baby being yours... that's me suffering. You happy now?" I said to him.

He laughed.

"What? That's my baby?"


"Are you sure?"

"Yes. The dates match."

"I'm going to be a dad?" He said and there was that smile I used to know and love. Now I despise it.


"You don't want to have my baby?"

"You raped me..."


"THATS WHAT YOU DID!! Urgghh...." I held my stomach. "I need to sit down."

"No you stay there!!"

"I am overdue! I am not standing to talk to you! I'm going to sit down!"

I made my way over to the chair and just as I made my way he grabbed me. Luckily I was able to press the button on the panic alarm before he grabbed me to stop me sitting down.

"You will stand! Now don't piss me off. Better yet, piss me off; makes it easier to kill you."

"Kill me?"

"Yes Natasha... you're not listening. You can't live happily ever after. You said that was my baby. So you was planning on playing happy families with Reece with my baby?"


"Bitch!!" He said and hit me.

And just like that my waters broke.

"Oh my god! My waters have broke! I need to get to the hospital."

"Oh who cares you're gonna die anyway. Baby may as well die too!"

"You're sick! This is you're baby! Don't you care!"


"I'm not lying!!"



"This is why I came to ruin you. My wife she didn't mind that I couldn't have kids. She stayed with me. Until you came along poisoning her mind. Then she used my incapabilities against me. ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!!"

"You.. you can't have kids?" I repeated feeling somewhat overwhelmed.

"That's what I said isn't it? Or maybe I'm lying. Who knows. Shame you'll never find out."

"Reece will be back anytime soon..."

"Oh marvellous. We shall wait for him.. then I'll shoot him in the leg. Then shoot you in the stomach. Then take it in turns to shoot you both... and watch you lot bleed to death. How does that sound?"

"Please... don't hurt my baby."




"I SAID SHUT UP!!" Josh said as he hit me with the gun again. I fell and hit my head. Everything was a daze. I could see them fighting and struggling to get the gun. Everything started sounding further and further away.

The last thing I heard was what sounded like shots being let off before I closed my eyes and my world went black...

#8 :: Not Everything Is SharedWhere stories live. Discover now