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A Year Later...

Today is my wedding day. I remember saying I felt like the happiest, luckiest girl on my birthday but now I feel even luckier.

"You ready?" My dad asked me.

That's right. My dad was walking me down the isle. Yes I was mad at him. Yes we had a lot of work to do. But he never stopped trying. Every time I cursed him out, he still came back. To the point I got tired of attacking him and tried a different route. To let him in. To let him love me. To let him right his wrong. I know it's what my mother would have wanted and I know that's why today she gave me beautiful weather to let me know she was watching me and she was proud.

"Yeah. Just give me a minute."


As soon as the door closed I heard it open again. I turned around and it was Ryan.

"Hey Ryan. You okay?"

"No. I'm not. I've not said anything but I can't keep it to myself. I have to say something."

"Erm... right now? I'm about to go and get married."

"That's the problem."


"You can't marry him. You can't marry Calum."

"Erm... and why not?"

"He's not right for you. He's not the one."

"And who is the one? Wait hold on... don't say it's you." I said and laughed.

"But it is me..."

"What? Ryan.. I don't have time for your games."

"No games. I'm being dead serious. Think about it. It didn't work out between me and Carla because it wasn't meant to and it ain't suppose to work out between you and Calum. We are the ones who should be getting married. You and me."

"Ryan have you been drinking?"

"No. God! Why are you not taking me serious?! Lex.. I love you. I always have. Always will. You gave me my first child my only son. You showed me how to love. You taught me things and it's because of you I know how to do these things. You've allowed me back into our sons life. You forgave me. That's not just because of Zack. That's because you still love me. I can't watch you marry this man. I can't be around you anymore if you make him your husband. Zack will lose his father. Is that worth it? When Zack asks you why I'm not around anymore, what are you going to tell him?"

"That is not fair... you can't..."

"Yeah I can. I got shat on. Carla cheated on me. And I can't bare to live with her anymore. I'm leaving. I want you and Zack to come with me. Build a family. The one you always wanted us to have."

"Ryan stop!"

"No! I won't! I'm fighting for what I want. I'm fighting for what you want. Deep down. Like ask yourself this. If his wife never died... would you even be in his life? You're second best. You was always number one for me. I was just an idiot."

"So you think because you have been "shat" on that I must feel sorry for you? You feel that now is our time to shine yeah?"

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