It's the next morning and I'm abruptly woken by Megan screaming in my face.
Me: W-what do you w-want?
I said sounding like a man!
Megan: On my God! There's a delivery for you!
What? Again? I didn't order anything! Ahh must be Andre again! Ahhh
Megan: I swear you need to stop ordering shit if you're not going to get the door
She says as she leaves the room.
Groaning while getting up I head to the front door.
Me: Morning
Delivery man: Ordered quite a lot today
He says while bring the first box into the house
Me: I didn't order anything actually
Delivery man: Well I'd say you have an admirer then
He says while bringing another box
Me: I guess
Rolling my eyes knowing Andre is behind all of this
Delivery man: Well that's the last of it
He said while placing the last box stacked on top of the others
Delivery man: Could you sign here please ma'am
Me: Here you go
I hand back the board to him, signed
Delivery man: Have a good day miss
Me: Umm do you have any clue where these orders came from might I ask?
Delivery man: Sorry miss I have no clue, even if I did I'm not allowed to disclose that sort of information
Me: Ohh okay, thank you anyway
He then leaves the premise.
Megan ascends from the kitchen all dressed up heading for the door
Megan: Woah! You got loads of shit
Me: Probably a prank from Andre
Megan: Haha
Me: And where do you think you're going?
Megan: Out with a friend
Me: Boyfriend?
I say playfully
Megan: Oh my God stop soo embarrassing
She says while closing the door.
Me: Might as well open these boxes then
Saying to myself
The first box was the same as the yesterdays, full of foam and at the bottom was a shinny item I dug deeper and realised it was a knife.
Oh my God! While shaking uncontrollably I picked it up and acknowledged the dried blood stain on it. Frightened for dear life I dropped it back in the box and ripped the other boxes open. The others contained a walkie talkie and room key.
I'm so confused what are these! What does this mean! I start to cry as I realise that this is a repeat of last year.
Run up the stairs while carrying the boxes. I check my phone but there's no messages.
It's not my phone, it's the Iphone 4. I slowly walk towards it and check the message. It's from the unknown number
"Morning Lexi, got my presents?"
"I need to see you"
My heart pounding so fast I could barely breath. I sink to the floor unable to stand. Oh my God! This isn't Andre's doing. He's not this sinister!
I jump to the sound of my Iphone 6... It's Andre
Me: He-hello
I said obviously sounding weak and terrified
Andre: Lexi? Lexi are you alright?
The concern is evident in his voice.
I couldn't help it, I just broke down and started crying.
Andre: Stay put I'm on my way.
He hangs up and I crawl into a ball.

A few minutes past and I could hear Andre burst into the house.
Andre: LEXI! LEXI!
I stay quiet, to scared to speak.
He bursts in the room and see's me on the floor broken and frightened.
Andre: Lexi are you alright
He hugs me tightly to calm me down.
Andre: Tell me what's going on? Are you hurt? Did someone hurt you? Were you robbed? LEXI SPEAK!
Me: Yesterday I got a package and- and
I say inaudible
Andre: Lexi you're going to have to speak up
I took a deep breathe and proceeded
Me: Yesterday, I got a package in the mail, I didn't order anything but I still didn't think anything of it. I opened it and saw an old cracked IPhone 4 with a charger. At first I thought nothing of it again, I didn't want to over think things. So I charged and left it. I went out and when I came back Megan said that the phone was ringing none-stop. Checked it and it had like 25 missed calls, when I was going to investigate you called and we chatted for a while and thats when you heard a loud ding in the back ground, it was the phone. Anyway after our call, I checked the message and it said "hey". At first I was shitting my pants but then I thought it was you play around with me.
Paying no mind to it I ignored it for the rest of the day until this morning where I got 3 packages. One had a knife with blood on it, the other had a room key and another had a walkie talkie.

I pointed at the bed where the items were and he walked towards the bed examining them.
Me: After all of that bullshit I got two texts from the same unknown number saying "Morning, I want to meet".
Andre took the phone and checked the message. I could tell he was angry, angry that I didn't tell him about this sooner.
Andre: Lexi, why-
Me: I didn't want to worry you
I said answering his unfinished question
His fist clenches and realises it once he breathes out
Andre: What will worry me is if you don't tell me shit. I knew you was at distress cause you sounded nervous towards the end of our call. Please don't keep something like this from me again.
I nod and stare at the floor.
Andre: Lexi,
Me: Y-yeah?
I look up
Andre: *sigh* This is your phone.
Me: What do you mean?
Andre: This Iphone 4 is yours... As in your old one.
What? It can't be?! What the fuck. I shoot up making myself dizzy and grab the phone. Looking at the background, I recognised it, roses, I chose it because they were my favourite.
Andre: What did you have at the bottom of your old phone that made the speakers stop working
Me: Ruby Red nail varnish
He nodded and stared at the phone. Tilting it sideways making the charging slot visible, there it was, my ruby red nail varnish that I accidentally spilled on the phone.
I started breathing frantically
My tone changed as I had an epiphany
Me: ...And threw my phone out the car window when Simon was driving me away from the safe house.
Andre: That explains the cracks.
I'm frozen, just staring at Andre at this point.
Me: No! I'm not believing this! I can't
Andre: Lexi
Me: No! For the entire year it's been drama free
Andre: Lexi!
Me: I haven't been disturbed, your business hasn't affected me
Andre: Lexi calm down
Me: Why now? Who is doing this?Why?
Andre: Someone who clearly wants to mess with you and wants to get on my bad side.
I fall to the floor crying my eyes out.
Andre: Lexi! Could you think of anyone who would want to get to you
I don't answer but continue crying
Andre: Lexi you have to help me out here, in order for me to have a lead.
Me: I-I-I don't know
Andre: Anyone from school
Me: *sniff* No, no on-
Andre: Who Lexi Who?
Me: Moanna, she hates me, still does. She thinks I stole Daniel from her
Andre: Well you kinda did
I punch him on the arm
Andre: Haha alright alright We-
The sound of the phone interrupts the conversation and we both sharply face the phone in my hand.
Andre: Read it
Me: Bu-
Andre: Read.
He's strict now, think it's cause he doesn't want anyone hurting me or me being unsafe.
The message read " Can we meet?"
Andre: Reply yes!
Me: What are you insane
Andre: Look if she wants to meet then let her meet you
Me: You really want me killed
Andre: We will be there in disguise
Me: I don't want to
Andre: You want this to end?
I nod
Andre: Then meet her. Most likely she'll be with Trey so we can take him down to. Kill two birds with one stone.
I groan and reply " yea". It wasn't even a minute and she replied back. "Meet at the docks near your house. 11pm. Come alone or I walk."

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