Weight of living.

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She never looked back at me, so I decided to leave. I ringed my mum. "Mum, hey, I'm in London." I say, I hadn't talked to mum in a while now, only once or twice in the last 8 years. Yeah I feel bad, but I'm busy and she can always read about me in the paper. "Ah! Have you seen Jay yet, I know she's had a very hard time ever since you left. She's went through a rough time and if I'm correct, she's still not too good."

"Mum?" I ask.

"What's wrong hun?"

"How long has Jaycee had depression?" I ask seriously.

"I think about 8 years now. You two were very close, I'm surprised you two haven't kept in contact. Mrs Cunningham and I had a tough time separating you two." She said laughing lightly. "Why? Has something happened again?" She added urgently.

"No!" I answer quickly. "Wait, has something happened before?" I ask. How have I forgotten about this girl. I don't understand.

"I'm sorry son, that's not for me to tell. You do remember her, right? If not, i think something bad could happen."
She said. Something bad? What is she talking about. "Mum, I didn't remember her, I heard her name, voice and face and thought she seemed familiar, but no I didn't remember her. I didn't remember her until she showed me pictures of us in our teen years. But that was one flash back."

"Honey? Did you notice her do anything weird before you left?" my mum asked quickly.

"Yeah, she took some pills, 3 or 4 of them. They had her name and I read the word depression on them. That why I asked you." I heard my mum yell something to my father along the lines of, 'Call the ambulance! Ill call her mother!'

/Jaycee's POV/

I can't believe he didn't recognize me. I can't believe he didn't remember my name until I have him proof to our past. Was I that bad of a friend, that he couldn't even remember me or remember to do the things he said he'd do. I began rummaging through my purse, looking for the pills. I keep pills that will help me in my purse. Pills that will fix my hurting, the pain I feel. Everything will end and it will all be okay. If Dan can't remember me, nobody can. I have to hide the pills in an old prescribed depression container so if I'd ever need them, I could use them, and nobody would notice.

I pulled it out of my purse and yanked them open popping four pills into my mouth and swallowing them hard. I could see Dan from the corner of my eye, looking closely at the container. He doesn't know I have depression, he doesn't know anything. Thankfully.

I watched him walk out of the café before I felt dizzy and fell to the ground, darkness consuming everything.

/Dans POV/

My mum hung up on me. Call the ambulance, what's that suppose to mean. I walk over to the car we rented and hopped in. Kyle was sat beside me, Woody and Will were in the back. "Hey guys, what do you know about depression?"

"Oh, my auntie had that and committed suicide. She didn't tell anyone she was diagnosed with it, and when she got fired she felt that she wasn't worth anything." Will said, "if we would've known, we would never let her out of our sight. It was a hard time for us all."

I jumped out of the car and ran into the café. I saw Joey freaking out and talking on the phone. I ran over to the counter. Laying behind it was a pale Jay. An ambulance could be heard and 4 men ran in with a stretcher, they put Jay on it. They rushed her outside, into the truck and down the street. I sprinted to the car and once I got in, I started it and sped to the nearest hospital. I saw the men taking the stretcher inside.

I ran into the hospital and asked for Jaycee Cunningham. "She'll be on floor 4, but sir, you must wait in the waiting room along with her parent." I ran to the elevator and got to the 4th floor. The first person I noticed was a middle aged woman identical to jay.
"Mrs Cunningham?" I asked. She looked to me with unleashed tears in her eyes. "Who are you?"

Do You Remember (Bastille/Dan Smith)Where stories live. Discover now