MC Reminisces Of the Old

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MC woke with a flash, her heart racing and covered in sweat. This had been the past 10 years of her life, waking up in sweat and tears and in fear. She sighed and looked to her side, the bed sheets uncomfortably white with loneliness. They mimicked her own feelings as did her house. It reeked with the smell of unbridled unhappiness and unbelieveable depression.It was like a love story you hear out of a book, as cliche as the come.  It had been the worst ten years of her life, but started as the happiest. It makes you think... that's usually how bad things start. The dream had started like the rest, her room and she was on the bed, yelling at Jumin as he retaliated the same. It wasn't till he lifted his hand a swung at her did she wake up. Jumin hadn't thought of his repercussion, thus leading to these recurring dreams and her aching heart.


MC walked out of the bathroom, smiling and hiding the test behind her back. She was thrilled to show Jumin, but terrified at the same time. He had an interesting way of showing love, sadness, and anger. When he was in any mood, he'd show it to the point where he was shouting from a rooftop. She walked out to the bedroom and saw Jumin playing with Elizabeth. He was smiling, thankfully and she sat down with him. He looked up from Ellie and gave a small smile to her. 

"Jumin.... I have something to tell you."

"Yes, MC?"

"So... you know how like a while ago we had an.. event."

"No, I don't think I do. Could you just tell me-"

"I'm pregnant."

MC was ecstatic, but Jumin. Jumin's face dropped and he lost the color in his face. He looked up with his usual straight face.

"Abort it. Now." He got up.


"You heard me! I don't want a child in this house! Go get abortion pills! NOW!"

"Jumin, you can't be serious! Think about what you are saying! Please-"  

Jumin raised his hand and slapped her across her cheek.


"I'm extremely serious. Abort it or leave."

MC was in tears, but stifled enough courage to not start balling. She collected most of her things and put them in a bag. MC walked out the front door and away. 


~End Flashback~

MC watched the bathroom door open as Saeyung Choi ran out of it. "I heard you wake up from in the bathroom. Did you have the dream again?" She nodded and he ran into her arms, holding her close to his chest. 

"It's okay... He can't hurt you anymore. I've got you..."


OKAY I HOPE YOU  ENJOYED THE FIRST CHAPTER. My laptop died and i didn't have a charger. SOrry! Ill update soon!

LAter Crazies

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