"Time that you will never get, I am taking my son out of here and whatever the fucking bullshit you all are talking about keep it to yourselves" Damien snaps as he turns to walk out of the room along with his brothers.

All of them come to a halt as they hear a howl from behind them and turn slowly to watch a black wolf behind them where a few moments ago Adrian was standing.

"Oh fuck, tell me I am not his mate," Gabriel whispers in Nicholas's ear who pushes Gabriel away.


"Now do you believe me?" Adrian asks as he turns back to his human form and stares at Damien.

"I hate it when I have to take my dick out for comparisons like come on we are grown up men," Gabriel shouts as he goes to pull the belt out of its hoop.

"You remind of Dante," Adrian mutters to himself as a chuckle escapes his mouth before he pulls the pants one of his men passes to him on.

"You won't be laughing now," Damien growls as he pulls out a gun from his back and points straight towards Adrian.

"Your bullets won't affect me"

"But it can slow you down" Damien grins as he shoots at Adrian who grins in return as he easily dodges the bullet.

"We don't need to hurt each other Damien to prove our points. And we both know you are outnumbered, most of my men have almost shifted and are waiting for my order outside of this door to attack and trust me no amount of your bullets will stop them from hurting you all...

Think with that head of yours clearly, I am not the enemy here. I want those kids safe and normal just as much as you as I will never forgive myself if any harm came to them...

And yes I do have kids, five kids to be exact and one on his way to us and as a father I know how much you want to hurt the one who gave scars to your son but this is not the time for us to fight...

It is a shock to meet a werewolf while I am sure you have seen worse in your life but this is the truth, we werewolves do not show our true self for the same reason as you do not want your family to be involved or be harmed with the business you are involved...

So let us find our mutual ground and focus on the kids rather than ourselves, I give you my word until I have the last of my breath in me those kids are under my watch and protection as if they are my own"

Adrian gives his word and Damien stares at Adrian for a while before he slowly nods his head.

"Now can I see my son?" Damien asks after that intense talk between them.


Star slowly opens her door to blink a few times as she finds Tulip standing outside of the door.

"Tulip, oh my god you are awake" Star cries in relief before hugging the girl.


"How are you and how did you get here?" she asks as she checks on the girl.

"A bit stiff at some parts else I am fine; one of the men told me I would find you here"

"Yes, what is it?" Star asks as she kneels in front of the girl who looks at Scott before facing Star.

"I could not find Throne and the others and they said I am not allowed to see them so" the girl's lips trembles as her eyes fill with tears.

"Oh sweetie, they are all fine, don't cry, come on we will go and see them" Star speaks as she holds the girl's hand while Scott carries her.

"When can we see them?" Star asks with relief as she finds the boys all awake and sitting on their bed in confusion.

"When the Alpha says" the man standing outside of the door speaks making Star sigh.

"But, but I want to touch them" Tulip speaks softly as she stares from the glass window.

"Tutu" Damien's voice makes all of them turn at once before Tulip skips away from Scott's arms and runs into Damien's as she starts to sob loudly terrified after what happened as well as relieved to see them.

"Uncle Damien, I want to see them," she cries burying her face in his shirt.

"We will sweetheart, stop crying I am here now" Damien rubs the girls back in a soothing manner trying to calm her down.

"But, but they won't let me see them"

"I am sorry Tulip, it's my fault I should have asked them to allow you to see your brother" Adrian speaks as he nods towards the man guarding the door.


"Tutu" Throne cries in relief as his sister runs in to his arms and both of them hug each other tightly.

"I am so sorry to leave you alone" Throne apologizes as he checks on his sister who wipes her tears away asking if he was okay.

"It's okay, I am good are you hurting somewhere?" she asks holding his hand.

"Not really, I feel refreshed though and you? Are you hurt somewhere?" he asks and when she shakes her head no he smiles brightly.

"How are you Damon?" Tulip shyly asks the boy who grumbles as his uncle Gabriel does not let the boy get out of his arms.

"Dad, ask Uncle Gabe to let me go" Damon shouts in annoyance as he tries to push his uncle away.

"I am all good Tutu, thanks for asking" Tristan grins as he snuggles in his father's arms.

"I was going to ask you next" Tulip defends herself as her cheeks turn bright red in embarrassment.

"I know," Tristan smiles widely before he yawns and closes his eyes to sleep.

"Where's dad?" Throne asks as he looks around to watch everyone but does not finds his own father.

"Uh, he...we did not inform him about your situation Throne but I am sure he would have rushed to your side if he knew"

"Whatever," Throne grumbles as he turns away from everyone's gaze.

"Yeah, but it's a good thing he did not know about this else he would have been mad at Throne for drinking those beers" Tulip sighs as she pulls the blanket to cover her brother who glares at her.

"You were not supposed to tell that" Damon hisses scolding her and she shrinks a bit.

"I am sorry"

"Damon" Damien warns his son who just sighs before he too lies on the bed.

"I am tired dad" he speaks as he covers his head with the blanket.

"We will talk about this some more when you are all good" Damien speaks as he gets up from the bed and nods towards Adrian.

The Cigar [The Series 3] {Completed}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora