I'm Done

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Easton frowned at me, "Please, Kelsey. I don't want to go through anymore pain. I just want to go home and live my last moments with you guys."

"I'm not letting you die, Easton." I stated, gritting my teeth at how calm he was about all this, "Shut up and let me do this."

He opened his mouth to complain but quickly shut it, sighing, "Okay."

"Thanks." I said shortly, closing my eyes again, focusing

Soon, I felt he familiar rush of energy leaving me. Gasps erupted around me and I tried to ignore them. I need to focus. Easton has to get better. I need him. We need him.

I moved my hands up to his cold chest that was slowly gaining warmth. A smile threatened to break through but I held it back, pushing more energy into him.

"Where does it hurt, East?" I asked quietly, not opening my eyes

"Um..." I felt him shrug

Sighing, I set a hand on his chest and the other on his thigh. I pushed energy out of me, feeling it go all over his body.

I opened my eyes and sat down, feeling dizzy.

"Kelsey, are you alright?" Jimmy asked, rubbing my back

I nodded, "I'm fine. What about you, East?"

"Fine." He smiled slightly, "How did you do that?"

"I don't even know." I chuckled

"Uh, Declan is calling." Ty stated, confusion on his face

He put the phone to his ear, "Hello?"

"Um, yeah, she's right here. What's wrong?" He asked, frowning

Ty's eyes widened, "Here, tell her."

He shoved the phone in my hand and I put it to my ear, "Yes, Dec?"

"It's Kyle." He sighed, making my heart drop, "He was in an accident. They're taking him to Mercy hospital right now."

"I'm at Mercy right now. What happened?" I asked, standing

"I don't know. They just called me and said to go to Mercy. Everybody is on their way there, right now. He's in the emergency room. They said it's bad." Then, he hung up


"East, I have to go. I'll be right back, though. Alright?" I smiled, pecking his forehead

"Bye, big sister." He grinned, pushing himself into a sitting position

He still looked weak but not as weak as before. Smiling, I quickly walked out of the room and to the elevator. Damn, Kyle. If he would have just listened to me he wouldn't be in this predicament. But am I really to blame? That I didn't want Kyle to hurt Seb? I don't think I am.

I pressed for level 1 and impatiently waited for the elevator to go down. When the doors open, I rushed out and to the receptionist desk.

"Hello, um, Kyle Jacobs was just brought here. Can you tell me what room?" I asked the same lady that told me where Easton was

"He's in ICU right now, he's not doing too well." She said sadly before looking down at her computer, "Such a shame. He was so handsome."

"Yeah, I know. That's why he's my fiancé." I smirked, turning around

Jasmine burst through the doors, carrying Lily on her hip. She looked around frantically before spotting me, "Where is he?"

"ICU." I stated, brushing my bangs back

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