Chapter 1: Sewer Water

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'Drip... Drop.... Drip... Drop...'

That was the sound of my now soaking hair. How did this happen, you may ask? Well, It wasn't from a shower. Also, not from rain. It was from Brittany Banters. (Pictureon the side is of brittany!) Her name is very misleading, though. Brittany definantly does not banter! Atleast not to me, that is. All she ever does is bully me. Her real name should be Brittany Bullies.

But back to the point, how my hair got wet. So I was minding my own buisness walking home from school through the field like I usually do, when BOOM!!! I am suddenly covered in sewer water.

I look behind myself and see Brittany and her barbies snickering and holding an empty bucket. How they got the sewer water, the world may never know.

So now here I am in the bathroom attached to my bedroom, wringing my hair out into the toilet, after running home with blurry vision.

And no, the blurriness is not from crying, it's from the sewer water. I seriously think that she blinded me. I'm not even kidding. Okay, maybe im overacting just a tad bit. I don't think that sewer water can cause blindness, right? Well it's too late now.

Now I should probably tell you about myself. My name is Sophia, and I am 13 years old. I have vibrant red hair, and brown eyes. I go to Lakeview Middle school, AKA hell on Earth.

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