Chapter 1

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"Let's stop this." You hear one of the members say through the door. I knew they where going to end the prank on Yugyeom soon. Oh how he must feel when he realizes that his Hyungs have been pranking him this whole time. 

I mean, I tried to stop them... sorta. Part of me knew this would be hilarious for me too. So why not? I couldn't wait to see the whole video. 

I walk into the dance room when I hear laughing and music playing. Yugyeom stood in the corner with his Hyungs comforting him. "Awe, Babe." I laugh.

I go up to hug him, seeing his red face from crying. But before I even could, Yugyeom pushes me slightly to the side, not allowing me to hug him. I wasn't really sure what to do, since he never does that.

I laugh it off, and quickly get tissues. Thanking the lady who had them, I walk up to Yugyeom, and try to dry his tears. But again, he wouldn't let me. "Stop," Yugyeom says as he wipes his own tears. I step back from the group and out of the cameras shot. I hand over the tissues to Jinyoung.

"I'm going to head back to the dorms. Haven't been feeling well," I whisper to Jinyoung. He nods and tells me to feel better.

"We will probably be home late. So don't wait up," Jinyoung adds.I nod and quickly walk out. I head straight to the dorms, feeling a bit uneasy but I shake it off, not wanting it to bother me. 

Once I get to the dorms, I look on my side of the closet for a shirt to sleep in. Yugyeom had given me a small place in his closet as a sign of commitment at the time. But all my shirts where either too uncomfortable or dirty. I should probably do laundry tomorrow. I grabbing of Yugyeom's long shirts and slip it on. I'm sure he won't mind. I mean, it's not like I haven't taken his clothes before. 

I walk to the kitchen to set out a dinner plate for Yugyeom for when he comes back. I know to well he likes to eat after a long practice. After making a plate, I place a cover on top and leave it on the kitchen counter where he will see it, like always. 

I lay on my spot on the bed, staring up at the ceiling.My eye lids begin to feel heavy and before I knew it, I'm out.


1 Year Ago

"You are too cute." Yugyeom hugs me from behind. I roll my eyes, still furious about the arcade game that must be rigged. It has to be.

"This game is stupid. Lets play a different one."

"This one!" He shouts happily. I hate this game. I as terrible at it. I remember vividly all those times my older brothers would beat me and then laugh at me. But I couldn't say no. Surely not to that smile. Fuck.

I put in my coins and grab my puck. Yugyeom shoots and I quickly shoot back only to miss. I whisper a couple curse but Yugyeom was having to much fun winning that he doesn't notice.

10 minutes go and I lost both 2 games to Yugyeom. "HEY! That's cheating!" I shout.

"Having long arms isn't cheating," he laughs.

"It should be. I can't reach as far like you." I wavy arms in the air. He busts out laughing.

As he takes his hand off the puck, I make a quick shot into the goal. I finally make a score. "Now that's cheating." He points out. I stick my tongue out him, but before I could stop, he start chasing me around the arcade. Stupid Yugyeom and his long ass caught up to me.

He spins me around and places me down. "You are the greatest. You know that? Gawd, I love you," he says grabbing my waist. I laugh from how cheesy he sounds and kiss his cheek.

"And I love you."

Now That I'm Gone [Yugyeom GOT7]Where stories live. Discover now