And So the Story Begins

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    The team had their guns drawn and focused on the monster. A demon blood. With red curved back horns, grey skin, a tail, and glowing red eyes. After having an entire cartridge emptied in them they were still standing and fighting. They were large and able to tear someone apart  effortlessly. Demon bloods had already killed 100-something people. Now, a team of demon hunters had joined together. Karen, back at  nerve center keeping an eye on the beast just in case it got away. Harley, on the right of the monster with a special electric gun focused on it. Daren, with a trap ready to snap them up in a cage when defeated on the left. Lenerd , with a few knifes and guns on him. And Beck was on the ground writhing in agony from a scratch across the chest and a bite wounds quickly becoming infected. This was just like any other night.

   "Keep it there," Harley yelled. "I almost got this thing charged all the way up."

    The demon blood in the center had its own weapon an opal knife with an obsidian edge. But, not just any obsidian, it was green obsidian. It had a slight glow to it due to whatever poison it had on it. This demon was obviously a lot smarter than the other ones.

   "Hurry up with it." Lenerd shouted above the buzzing of the electric beam. "I think it's about to make another move." No sooner had he said that than the beast had rushed forward on all fours rushing past them.

    "Got it!" Harley yelled as she locked in her target. Just before it reached the safety of the brush a large boom had echoed and it felt a strong electronic shock ripping through it back. It screamed in pain and dropped convulsing with a glowing red electricity circling around it. It was still whining until the pain circled their throat seizing their vocal chords. It clenched their lungs making it difficult to breathe. Their heart was pounding and tears welled up in its eyes.

    "Alright," Daren said coming up to the creature. "Let's get you out of here." The creature looked up at him with paralyzing pain in their eye. Daren took the miniature electric version of the cage out. Pressing a button he threw it at them and it grew to envelope them. The cage was like red glowing bars and it lifted the demon blood off the ground. Before the creature could say anything, it blacked out going completely slack.

    "That's right." Harley came up to the cage and said as if she was rubbing something in. "We made that especially for you. No more murders for you." They pulled the cage through the forest to the nerve center van.

   "Another successful night?" Karen asked. They didn't have any radios to communicate with her. Which was pretty stupid since no one would be able to tell anyone where the demon blood had gone. However, she was the only one with a drivers license. So, they had no choice but, to bring her along.

    "Yep," Daren said unloading his gun. "Lenerd's in the back with the cage. We have to take Beck to the hospital. And I don't think our insurance will cover this one."

    "Great." Karen huffed. "We need better armor." Karen got up and went to the front. She turned on the van and once everyone was situated, drove away. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2016 ⏰

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