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The white padded walls seclude me from the outside world. They say it's safe for others if im in here, but if I'm in here much longer they'll find me once again. Claw at me with their animalistic claws.

Scratch at my pale ice cold skin. They want me they call my name while I'm sleeping on the cushioned ground. White. White. Is all I see, but growls, screams is all I hear.

I don't even know how I got here in this padded room, tasting nothing but the intoxication of bleach and sanitizing spray.


I remember being in an office I had worked at. The boss had called me into his office, and that's were I was met with a group of large intimidating men. Smirking and laughing at my petite body uncomfortable under their lust filled eyes. Cigars sitting at the edge of their mouth blowing it into my nose causing me to inhale and choke.

They had grabbed me all at once like animals pulling my hair scratching at my skin.

And that's all I remember seeing blood layered in a thick puddle on the floor. My eyes closing but not before seeing a blurry lifeless body beside my own.


That's were I am now left in my head that no longer belongs to myself, but to the voices that call to me night after night. I may not know we're I was before, but I know I got to find the place back from were I came.

My eyes are wide open always are never closing afraid to see the were the voices come from. Most of all I'm afraid of what my dreams may bring.

But when they come for me I'm forced into a sleep a sting in my shoulder is all it takes for the black to consume my mind.

Everything's white the coats that wrap the faceless men who come to "care" for me.They don't speak they mock me in  silence, my only friends are the buttons that cling to the padded room keeping the white cloth secured safely to the floor.

Today was like very other day a schedule had formed in my mind, I had lost all time but created my own time in my mind. It's always day in my mind the blinding white lights are always on never off to show any sign of night. 1,300.1,301.1,302 seconds later when my personal alarm goes off in my head. I stand on my feet walking towards a white padded door. My arms restrained/wrapped around my body from the belts tightened as tight as it can keeping me from getting loose. My head shakes with anticipation to see the white coats any type of contact with the monsters sending shivers down my spine.

I hear the click of a lach coming from the padded door. Opening slightly a white coat walks into the room earily slow. Waking in swift movements it's face covered in a white mask with man holes onto the end of the piece.

All that's heard is its heavy breath, I can smell it's fear I feed off. It steps close to me, but still keeping distance between us.

I shake my head once the voices start to talk.

"Kill him!"

As off instinct I run towards the creature screaming as all the voices encourage me to kill it.

The creature drops the silver plate onto the floor sending the brown muck they feed me, as if I'm an animal.

It grabs one of the poky things they stab into my arm to make me sleepy. His hands are noticeably shaky and scared. The creature falls to the ground once I'm on it biting at its clothed skin. The mask falls of of the creatures face, and I'm met with bright blue eyes ones that resemble mine. I am stunned I can see this creature resembles me a lot. It has soft skin a nose two eyes and thin pink lips.

This is not a creature this is a man. I hadn't seen one in so long it took me a second to come into realization what "it" really is. A scared man, scared of me. When really it's the other way around.

After an eternity of staring into the beautiful blue eyes I can feel the all to familiar prick of the needle jebbing into my shoukder.

I let out a little gasp at the sudden pinch sensation. My eyes becoming weak and droopy. I lay on the cushioned floor preparing myself for the dark, when suddenly I hear a soft voice whisper in my ear.

"I'm so sorry Persia, where only doing this to protect you."

I don't think of it much longer when I'm suddenly dragged into what I can only describe to you as hell.

I stand in a black room a red dress wrapped tightly around my thin body. Long dark curls flow down to the small of my back. Three inch black heels cover my soft padded feet. I look around frantically breathing heavily when suddenly a bright blinding light shines onto me.

I squint my eyes turning in a circle to look around.

"Hello who's there?" My voice is frantic and impatient, filled with worry, and that's when he approaches me.

My father...

"Hello Persia, I can't talk long cause they'll find me. You need to run, run as far and as fast as you can. I'm so sorry I put you through this. I started this job thinking it would help you and your mother, but it only brought us pain. Don't trust anyone you hear me. It will only take a short amount of time for him to find you. You can't trust anyone anymore Persia just yourself." He kisses my forehead my eyebrows scrunch in confusion.

His figure runs off into the darkness when suddenly I hear a gun shot, filled with screams, familiar screams my mother, sisters. All screaming begging for mercy. I can't bring myself to move to help them. Standing with so much panic and worry the only thing I can do is run. Run away from the scream and pleas I run far just as my father had told me.

My sweaty body flings from the ground. Tears are brimmed at the edge of my eyes. I close them tightly letting them fall onto my already stained cheeks.

That was not just a dream, that was a memory.


Hello Tessa here, I know I have another book I'm not gonna just forget about it, but I already have some really good ideas what to do with it.

I don't know if you read this or not, but thank you to those who gives it a chance.

Love you all, hope you enjoyed the first chapter.

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