Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Cliff's POV

"Why are you making such a fuss over this job? I mean, it's just another job right?" Lake was mad at the fact I was switching jobs again. I heaved a sigh. Sometimes, he is so childish. He's mad whenever I switch jobs and lately, it's been often. Hopefully though, I can keep this job.

"I'm going to be an accountant for a billionaire, sorry if my OCD is making an appearance," I grumbled. Usually, this always happens when I get a new job, but right now, my 'OCD' as everyone else calls it, is worse than ever. I call it being a perfectionist, I do not refer to it as a mental illness or whatever.

"Besides, everyone else I saw in that damn building was wearing some expensive suit, I have two suits currently, my tuxedo, and this work suit I never use, I am going to have to buy more suits," I complained mainly to myself as I continually fixed the collar of my navy blue suit.

"Why buy more suits if you can't ever wear them propery?" Lake gestured to my suit. He stifled a laugh before getting of the chair that was around my island in the kitchen, then heading into the living room. I looked down.

Sure my suit was ruffled, but I never ironed it. I stuck it in the dryer with an oversized towel to make it look at least presentable.mi don't have time for it. I overslept this morning because of the damn tabloids that Lake brought with him last night. I kept thinking about them, and the time it took for it to get int a magazine. And I 'overslept'. I didn't much sleep, and when I did fall asleep, it was late, too late.

"Hey, when do you have to be there?" I heard him ask from the other room.

"Nine am," I stated, remembering my conversation with Mr. Hanson.

"Well it's 8:36, and isn't it a 25 minute drive, and with the morning traffic..." Before heard more I grabbed my wallet, truck keys and headed for the door. If. A. Lucky, I can arrive just in time.

Why did I have to sleep in?

When I reached my truck, I started it, revved the old thing for a second before pulling it in reverse and getting on getting on the road.

As I was doing this, something crept not my mind, something I would rather not think of this early in the morning.

The girl and the baby. Mary-Ann and I's baby. Damn it! What the fuck am I going to do about her!

Don't girls know when they are going to have a child? It doesn't just pop out after nine days, it takes nine months god damn it! Why couldn't she have an abortion? It was a one night stand for Christ sake.

Feeling guilty about blaming Mary-Ann, I swallowed the guilt. It was my fault. I was the Kane who did not use protection, I was the one who was a complete idiot that night.

But come on! Woman know when they are pregnant! Get an abortion before it's too late! Now it's too late!

I don't have time for this.

My thoughts went back onto the roads, my guilt still sitting in the pit of my stomach.

My dignity lost when Mary-Ann pronounced me s father. The new job, fucking Dustin. My life is not how it used to be.

Dustin's POV

Life was great. I mean, i am almost a Trillionaire and I am only 23, suck it Bill Gates!

I have girls at me knees begging, I am able to buy whatever I want, hell, I could buy Disney. I could buy Jack Daniels so... Why would I buy Disney?

I leaned back in my 'professional' leather wheely chair, set my hair behind my head, and my legs on my desk.

Yes, life is good.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but it is 5 past 9, and Mr. Sean is yet to arrive, should we fire him?" If we fired every person that was five minutes late, i don't think my company would be very successful.

And of all people that said it, it was Miss. Hallie... A person i have wanted to fire for... Oh hang on a minute. I could do with out a whiney voice.

"Miss. hallie, you are fired, because you yourself are always about 20 minutes late," i looked up just in time to see a angry and hurt expression. She stayed where she was in shock.

"Oh, and before you go, will you give Mrs. Jackson your position?" Mrs. Jackson is in her late 30s and happily married. Plus, she's not bad on the eyes so having her as a wouldn't be so bad.

I am a ass, and I fucking know it.

"Mr. Tyrone, I did what you asked me to do," Wilson came through the door.

"And?"I asked him.

"He is not the father, as it turns out, his younger brother is the father, and if you want the details, both of them had sex with the same woman," he is so blunt about it, I couldn't help but to laugh.

"I was surprise he even got some," I laughed when Wilson chuckled. You know your joke is good when Wilson chuckles.

"Oh, and before I go, stop fire people on the spot, when they leave the building crying, it's hard to keep the media from blowing over it," blowing over it... Cause that's what she said.

"Then let them," I said simply, with a wave of my hand

"I can't, instead of saying you fired someone, if it be a girl, you broke up with her, it be a man, not crying, but sulking and breaking everything, which is very annoying, having to replace everything, there would be hundreds of men applying for his job, and having to send rejection letters to them is painstakingly long," on Wilson, no one can beat you when it comes to your job. Or you comments about how annoying people are.

"You know, having this information about Mr. Sean could be either helpful for him... Or, or amusing to me," I said with a grin.

"Aways try to be helpful, but, mnemonic you, you do things for your amusement, oh, and I assume you want me to keep it a secret?" He asked me.

"Only unless you think things have gone to far, and when I say that, me mean critical," I told him. With a nod he left.

And guess who came in not 10 minutes later?

Cliff Sean.

Let my amusement begin. Somebody hand me a bag of popcorn now.



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2014 ⏰

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