chapter 6

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Lucy's pov
I quickly got changed.I ran towards the beach and bumped into.... Fairy Tale. "Geehee, hey bunny girl" Gajeel remarked "Just leave me alone already, your starting to piss me off" I say while trying to stay calm. "Nope". I turn around and see Mira, Erza, Natsu, and, the stripper Gray. I let out a small growl. "Oh. My. Dragon queen. Will you just let me through or else..." I made sure they knew who was there, not the sweet kind giving Lucy
But the badass, kick butt Lucy, who never back out of a fight and always come out on top. "Ooooh, someone mad, hehe, Lucy, ya know I liked you before, but now I like you a lot more, the badass you" Natsu said. "Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Oh my goddess of dragons. I can't believe you liked me. I never liked you. Maybe, three years ago." I say still laughing.

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