"Shit." I mutter but keep going. He can follow me I'm not going that fast. I'm in deep shit and I know it. I get to the hospital with the cop still on my ass. I park flying out of my car pulling out my license and insurance.

"Hold it right there."

"No time. Here." I say shoving to him. He takes it and I run towards the entrance.

"Get back here!" he yells but I keep going. I run in and find Sammie and Tristan. Sammie is curled up on a ball on the chair and Tristan is pacing. "What happen?!" I yell running to Sammie.

"It's....it's....Beau....he's...he's been..." she sobs.

"Damn it Sammie spit it out!" I demand grabbing her shoulders.


"Sammie!" I yell.

"He was beat up." Tristan says coming up behind me. I stand up giving him a confused look.

"Beat up that's all?"

"No Liam he was beat up."

"Am I missing something?"

"Liam he was beaten to a pulp. They don't think he'll make it."


"Son here is your tickets." the cop says coming up to us. I put my finger telling him to hold on.

"Tristan I suggest you fucking spit out what your not telling me." I demand he looks at me with tears in his eyes nodding.

"Liam it's bad. Me and Sammie were walking back to y'all's place to crash when we heard groaning. Sammie being Sammie wanted to make sure no one was hurt. So we looked.....when we did....we found..." he gulps loudly. "Beau. He didn't look recognizable. We wouldn't have if it wasn't for his clothes. Liam he was bleeding from his head in several places. His face looked like it was put thru a meat tenderizer then ran over. Then he was.....was.....shot. He might not make it." my world stopped. I couldn't move, couldn't talk, couldn't breath. I just stood there staring at Tristan not breathing. "Liam are you alright?" do I look alright you dumb ass. I wanted to say but couldn't.

"Son maybe you should sit down." the cop says guiding me to a chair making me sit down.

"They think it was a gay bashing." Tristan tells me but how come I get the feeling it wasn't just a gay bashing. "He's in surgery now. They are going to try to remove the bullet and relieve the swelling in his brain." he finishes.

"I...called.....mom...already." Sammie sobs. I still haven't said anything just staring at Tristan.

"Liam." he says. "Bud you need to breath." but I couldn't. All I could was stare. "Liam breath." I just sat there. I couldn't lose him. Not this way. Yes I'm pissed off at him but I also know not to jump to conclusions. With Beau it's a have to. I mean come on there are always rumors about him going around. Ones where he supposedly slept with some chick. Yeah go figure. I knew they weren't true. One he's gay two he was with me on all those nights in question. He was in bed with me. If I listened to all the rumors we wouldn't have a relationship. I guess that's one reason why I didn't go ballistic at the party. Yeah I saw them but for all I know that could have been an unwanted kiss, a forced kiss. I don't know. That's why I just walked out. I need it to come from his mouth. Call me stupid hell I'll call myself a complete and total dumb ass but that's just the way I work now. It has to come from the persons own mouth.

"Who?" I whisper breaking the silence a while later.

"What?" Tristan says.

"Who?" I say louder.

"They don't know. All we know was he was walking home and got jumped."

"How long ago?"

"We don't know he left right after you."

"Oh god this is my fault." I say burying my head in my hands.

"How is it your fault?" Summer ask.

"I walked out on him."

"What do you mean."

"At that stupid party. I caught him a Chris kissing and walked out. He was coming after me."

"You don't think...."

"I don't know but if I would have stayed and let him explain instead of getting pissed off. This wouldn't of have happened!" I cried letting the tears fall then. I couldn't hold them in any longer. We sat there god only knows how long when mom comes in panicked. Tristan and Sammie had to tell her everything considering I was to busy crying and not talking to anyone. For some odd reason the cop stuck around to. No clue why either. Oh wait my tickets. Who gives a damn right?

"Beau Cross." says a nurse coming out of the ER department. Yep he uses my last name. He has since we got back together. My head snaps up and I jump from my seat.

"Here." I rush out running to her.

"You are?"

"His fiancé." she gives me a disgusted look all I could do was roll my eyes.

"Oh get over it bitch. Where's my son?" mom says harshly. Yeah mom doesn't take shit from gay bashers. The nurse looks at mom wide eyed then clears her throat.

"He's out of surgery. The doctor will be out shortly to give you a better up date." she says turning on her heels walking back into the ER.

"That's it? What a bitch?" Sammie says. I just nod and start pacing. As we are sitting there Chris comes in with a smug look on his face. I hate him so much right now. I never did like him but he was Beau's friend and team member so I dealt with it.

"Beau Hunter." he asked the receptionist. She types in his name.

"There's no one here by that name." she informs him.

"Oh sorry I mean Cross, Beau Cross." she types again.

"You are?"

"Boyfriend." she gives him a confused look then looks at me I just shake my head no. I don't believe him not for a minute.

"His fiancé is right there." she says pointing to me. "If you need information I'm sure he'll give to you."

"That's not his fiancé." he laughs shaking his head.

"Bullshit!" Sammie yells at him. "Liam your not buying this are you?" I just shake my head no. He pulls out my engagement ring from his pocket kinda swinging it holding it between his fingers. How the hell did he get that?

"He gave it to me." he shrugs. "He wanted me to give it to you and tell its over and to get out if his house." I actually snort shaking my head.

"You actually think I'm going to believe you, you lying conniving mother fucker." he just shrugs.

"Here." he says giving me the ring. I snatch it from him harshly. "So tell me how my boyfriend is doing."

"I'm not telling you shit. "Leave!" mom stands in front of him very angry. "Little boy I don't know what your trying to pull but I suggest you leave. Now before I make you leave." she says. He nods but doesn't leave he stands clear across the other side of the waiting room. "You don't believe him do you?" mom ask standing in front of me.

"No mom. I'm not believing anything until it comes out of his mouth." she nods sighing then goes to sit back down.

Hours later the doctor comes out.

"Beau Cross." I stop in front of him.

"How is he?" I ask.

"I'm afraid not to good. We did get the bullet out but he lost a lot of blood and we relieved some of the pressure in his brain. He also has two broken legs, broken arm, broken wrist, three broken ribs on the right side and five on the left, broken jaw and broken cheek bone, deep lacerations on his cheek and several on his stomach."

"But he's going to be okay right? Please tell me he's going alright." I beg he sighs heavily shaking his head.

"I don't know yet. We won't know until he wakes up from his coma."

"Coma." I whisper then everything went black.

The Jock and the Emo Part 2 BoyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now