Scudder scoffed at him and followed behind them.

"Not you, Scudder." Leonard said before Sam could leave the building. "You and I have things that need discussing."

Sam stopped at the doorway and turned to face Snart.

As the door was closing Leonard could hear Mardon and Hartley teasing 'Ooo, you're in touble,'

He also heard a smacking sound and Rosa's voice telling them to Shut up.

Leonard pulled out a chair next to the table.

"Sit," Leonard pointed towards the chair.

Scudder sucked in his bottom lip, holding back an insult that would most likely get him killed, and sat in the chair.

"Yeah, boss?"

Snart lifted his left leg and sat on the table looking down at Scudder.

"I don't like the way you've been talking in these meetings lately."

"So?" Scudder's brows furrowed.

"Fix it," Leonard glared. "Or I'll have fix it for you. You know how I hate doing the heavy lifting around here."

"Don't you think we can do better?" Scudder insinuated. "We're not kids anymore, Snart. You know we can do better. What're you so afraid of?"

"I'm not afraid of anything."

"Bullshit," Sam leaned towards Snart's space. "We both know, if I call up Li-"

Leonard's left fist connected with Scudder's jaw, sending him backwards to the floor.

Sam clutched at his now throbbing jaw.

"You're not aloud to say her name unless I let you." Snart kneeled down next to Sam. "Or next will be worse."

Snart rose and was heading to exit the building.

"We both know you don't have the balls to do what it takes." Scudder said sitting up.

Snart scrunched up his nose and started walking towards Scudder again.

He took the handgun out from the back of his pants and aimed it at Scudder's head.

"You know, I'll do what needs to be done." He pulled back the hammer to the gun. "So, Are you going to be in or are you out?"

Sam eyed the gun and shifted his gaze towards Snart's eyes, seeing the anger in them.

"I'm in." Scudder huffed out.

"Good," Snart said in a low voice and pulled the trigger.

It went right through Sam's left shoulder.

Scudder screamed in pain while clutching his shoulder and rolling over onto his side.

"Next time you'll learn not to question me," Leonard spat as he turned.

"You, bastard." Scudder shouted in between screams.

"You'll heal," Leonard said as he walked out. "It went clean through."

When Leonard walked outside, Rosa ran past him and went back inside to help Sam.


Sara was cleaning up a table at Jitters Monday morning when Lisa walked in.

"Hey," Lisa went up to her.

"Hey!" Sara said surprised. "Sorry that I hadn't really had time to hang out since Thursday."

"No, it's fine." Lisa insisted.

"So What're you doing here?" Sara walked behind the counter. "Want some coffee?"

"No, I'm good." Lisa tapped her fingers on the counter top. "I just have nothing to do for today. Cisco is down at Starling for his brothers music recital so, I'm kinda bored."

"So you come to hang out with the barista?" Sara smiled. "That's not really a step up from boredom."

Lisa give a half-hearted smile and looked down.

"Aye," Lisa looked back up at Sara. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just not a good day I guess." Lisa lied.

"Why not? Where's your brother?" Sara said propping her hip towards the counter.

"I don't know, most likely at home. Being a jerk."

Sara huffed out a laugh. "Why's he being a jerk?"

"I don't know, it's in his blood. Our blood." Lisa looked back down.

Sara looked around and saw that there wasn't many customers today. "I'll tell you what, I'll go ask for an early day off. And than we can go talk about why and how your brother is such a jerk?"

Lisa smiled and nodded.

"Be right back," Sara disappeared into the back and quickly came back without the green Jitters uniform t-shirt on.

"Let's go," Sara grabbed Lisa's arm and they walked outside.


Sara and Lisa sat on a park bench, finishing up the rest of their ice cream cones.

"-and than I kicked him out," Lisa finished telling Sara.

"Out of his own apartment?" Sara rose her eyebrow.

"Mhmm," Lisa hummed sticking the rest of her ice cream in her mouth.

"Impressive, Had it been a while since he's yelled at you?"

"He had never yelled at me," Lisa wiped her hands on her napkin.

"Never?" Sara exclaimed. "How is that even possible?"

Lisa rose her eyebrows.

"Not that you're someone I want to yell at but," Sara explained. "How can you guys not fight? You're siblings. Me and Laurel yell at each other all the time."

"We fight," Lisa cleared up. "He just never raised his voice at me before."

"That's still pretty impressive,"

"Yeah..." Lisa started tear up. "I know it's a dumb thing to get upet over but-"

"Hey," Sara wrapped her arms around Lisa. "It's not dumb, you guys have your reasons."

"I'm sorry," Lisa wiped her tears away. "You probably don't want to hear my life story anyway."

"I'm your friend," Sara handed Lisa a clean napkin to wipe her tears. "I'm here for you, whatever and whenever you need me for."

"Even when I need help hiding a body?" Lisa chuckled.

"Duh,"Sara scoffed. "What else would friends be useful for?"

They laughed.

"Do you have classes for today?" Sara asked.

"Yeah, I have one around 12." Lisa slumped.

"Loser," Sara very lightly pushed Lisa.

Lisa looked at her phone and saw several unread messages from her brother, she checked the time after seeing her notifications.

10:45 a.m.

"Guess I gotta go apologize to him," Lisa sighed and stood up from her spot.

Lisa looked down the sidewalk, looked back down at Sara, and asked. "Can you come with me?"

Sara smiled. "Sure,"

They walked to Leonard's apartment together.

I'm not gonna lie, I find 'Boss' Leonard super attractive in this chapter. And Sara doesn't know about Lisa and Leonard's past, yet. In case any of you were wondering. 😊

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