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"U gonna like dis" sed annakin and he opned the dorr. "wut is it" she sed

"look" sed ananakin

Jabba da hut looked at padmee and lickeded his lips.

"whooooo whooooooo" he moaned and almost cummed lookin at her.

"jabba?" padmee eyes widneed and she saw his ballsack jiggling as jabba came to her

"ur welcome"sed ananakin and he left them alone.

"padmee ananakin sed u like to fuck"
"I luv it" she sed

"if u fuck me I will always fuck you" sed jabba

"yes! but I want something" "wut do u want" he assskked

"I want jarjar and palaptine too."

"of course. I will get them now"

he licked padmees face and she sucke don his green mucus tung

"im gonna enjoy dis" she sed

Fifty shades of JarJar BinksTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang