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"Jarjar something terroble has happened"

"wut has happened my luv" "ananakin cheets on meee" she cried lowdly.

"wana fuck to forget it"
"oh yes!"

jarjar lucked her eye and down to her mouf.

"open wide" he sed

padmee opened her mouth and sucked on his tung. "jarjar eat my vaj"

padmee opened her legs and jarjars tung plunged into her fishy vaj
"well that smells stinky fish"

his tung tired to find the hole but her vaj was very hairy and bushy.

"hurry up" she moaned

"I cant find de holle" then he founded it and lickee her vaj. but then he was sick. "y is u sick" padmee askedeed. "your vaj tastes like cheesy fish"

padmee cried and ran away. she bumped into somewun

"u ok?" sed the voice....

Fifty shades of JarJar BinksWhere stories live. Discover now