Interview with ProjectNoisNo and StopVerbalAbuse

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What motivated you to initiate this project?

This project wasn't originally founded by me. Talia ) was the original founder, but she passed the account down to me. The thing that motivated her was that she saw how many people kept quiet about sexual abuse, assault, and harassment. There was a girl in our grade that had gotten harassed and nobody did anything about it. Everyone knew it was happening, but nobody wanted to speak up for her, and when the girl finally said something, she was called a whore and a liar. Talia wanted to make a safe zone where everyone could speak up without being called liars or awful names — a place where the victim wasn't the one to blame.

What advice would you give to someone who is being sexually abused, assaulted or harassed?

If someone is being sexually abused, harassed or assaulted my advice would be to tell someone, most likely your parents or someone you trust. Keeping things quietly won't do much good and the faster somebody knows, the faster things can come to a stop.

Have you ever encountered someone that has been abused, assaulted and harassed? If so, how did you handle the situation?

I have encountered multiple people that have been abused, harassed or assaulted. Firstly [and most importantly] I didn't try to pry the information out of them. Being assaulted, harassed or abused isn't a topic that can be spoken about easily. It takes time to open up about these situations. I reassured the person that I wouldn't say anything unless I was asked [by the person's parents or family members] and that they could talk to me whenever they wanted.

What is your take in using media to promote these kinds of projects?

I think using medias to promote these kinds of projects is great. Loads of people have instant access to the projects and they can continue to spread the word by sending links and/or sharing. It makes things more easier.

How do you continue to build this project into something more?

We [the admins included] continue to build this project into something more by trying to change somebody's life. By letting someone know that they're not alone in this and that they have thousands of people supporting them.


What made you decide to use wattpad as a platform to initiate this campaign?

•Well, at first I had found Wattpad as a reader, and then as a writer myself. I found people that shared my frustration, anger, and sadness from abuse and neglect, and it was sort of like validation, especially since verbal abuse isn't often addressed (as well as all kinds of abuse). I also saw stories where verbal abuse and verbal bullying was there, but the character or author didn't realize that it was abuse/bullying. and decided that the community should have something to help survivors and inform possible abusers and bystanders.

What is your message to those being abused, bystander of verbal abuse and bullies of verbal abuse?

•First, to those who are or were abused or bullied: It is not your fault. You are 100% valid, and you are not alone. You have a voice, and you have the right to use it. If you are being bullied at your school and this bullying isn't stopping, please go to a teacher if you feel you need to. Sometimes bullies can be ignored and the bullying will stop, but sometimes their verbal taunts can escalate to physical violence.

•To bystanders: If there is verbal bullying going on in your school, go to a trusted counselor or teacher at school, or parent at home. You can always leave anonymous notes about issues if you don't feel comfortable, but say something.

•To bullies: Bullying is not going to help get rid of your anger, at whatever it may be. Any abuse, neglect, or violence that may be happening to you should and can be peacefully solved. The people that you are hurting have feelings don't deserve to have control over you. But you will be responsible for your actions, no matter what has happened. Please stop your bullying and get help.

Was there ever a time that you stood up for someone else that was being verbally abused? How did you feel?

•I speak to people that I think may be victims, and survivors, of verbal abuse. Often times they don't even understand that they are being abused, and I try to give them resources and repeatedly tell them how amazing, passionate, and good they are. I have before spoken to a friend's parent. I told her that her daughter was a lovely person, and she only had one child. But unfortunately, abusers are harder to talk to. I am worried that anything I say will be used against the victim/survivor. And also, unfortunately, in the state I am living in, verbal abuse isn't something that puts an abusers in jail. I mainly try to talk to victims/survivors, and hope that with more awareness more appropriate measures can be placed.

3. What are your tips in gaining courage to speak up against verbal abuse?

•I know that it is hard to speak up. But by bottling it up inside, it will just keep on growing in your mind. If you don't want to speak with someone face to face, that is okay. There are many abuse hotlines (by using online chats, phone texts, and telephone calls) that you can use. You can even message me if you would like to, and I will listen. You ARE VALID. If you are ready to tell someone, no matter how many times you have to repeat yourself, tell your story. If you feel nervous, take a moment for yourself and take a few deep breaths. Also, writing what has happened and giving it to a trusted adult/teacher/friend can be easier if it hard for you to talk. You are strong and powerful. You have gone through so much. Don't be afraid.

How do you plan to expand this project?

•I am planning on soon adding admins, and I've been trying to find different ways to connect to the Wattpad community. Quotes are added into a book weekly, and there is a writing challenge as well. There is a book for personal stories, and if you would like to add one to it please PM me! I am open for suggestions <3 thanks everyone for your support!

TSZ Magazine: December 2016 (Issue #4)Where stories live. Discover now