one: ready

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“Ashton, you can’t stay out too long,” my mum reminded, fixing my sweater. Her lips were pressed in a tight line; she clearly didn’t agree with me going out today.

I couldn’t blame her. It was really cold outside, and extreme temperatures weren’t good for me. But I couldn’t miss the chance of picking her up today. I was her boyfriend; boyfriends were supposed to do this. I also wanted to do this, not just because of that.

“I’ll be fine, mum,” I consoled, giving her a bright smile. I hoped she wouldn't get too worried. I was going to be alright.

“Just be careful.” She still wasn’t pleased, but she made no attempt to stop me from going to the train station. She didn’t want me upset.

“I will!” I answered, going out the door. I wasn’t comfortable with going out, either, but I didn’t want to disappoint Charlotte. It’s been months since we’ve last seen each other. Letters weren’t enough.

The cold, winter wind greeted me. My teeth chattered from the low temperature, but I still went on my way. It wouldn’t take too long to pick her up. She was never late.

It was quiet, somehow, today. There weren’t many cars around, nor were there a lot of people. They were all probably enjoying with their families, whereas I, would have the time of my life later.

Life was hard having a long-distance relationship, but that’s what I got for pursuing a girl with big dreams. I had no regrets. She was the best thing that’s ever happened to my life. I couldn’t imagine myself without her. She was the only thing I was holding onto. I would have given up a long time ago, if she wasn’t here. 

I looked forward to every break, every time I knew she’d come home. It was another chance for me to tell her how special she was, before I had no more opportunities to do so. I just wanted to remind her that I would always be here for her, that I simply loved her with all my heart.

I always loved how her scent lingered in the air whenever she would pass by. I also loved how it would stay in my room when she’d lie on my bed. I loved how she would unexpectedly hold my hand or pull me in for a tight embrace. I loved how she'd laugh at my jokes, no matter how horrible it was.

I loved her, all together. Not just because she smelled of strawberry. Not just because she saved me of embarrassment. It was because she was her. I knew in myself that I wouldn’t want to be anywhere but beside Charlotte.

That was the reason why I was afraid of leaving her. I wasn’t ready for it, and I don’t think she’s ready for it, either.

Author’s Note: I hope this made sense. And I'm on a roll, two updates within a few hours. I should record this. Hope you liked this! 

snowflakes ⇢ ashton irwin {au} ⇢ christmas specialحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن