It's Not My Fault... Is it?

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"What do you mean it's your fault?" I asked slowly standing up. She started explaining, and tearing up.

"I was getting coffee at Jitters and this guy came up to me as I was leaving. He asked me if I knew Barry, and when I asked why he wanted to know, he said they were friends in high school, so I told him where we lived." Patty told us. I quickly pulled up the picture of the warblers.

"Is he in this picture?" Caitlin asked. Patty nodded in response.

"Can you point him out?" Caitlin asked. Patty pointed at one of the guys. We all sighed in relief.

"Who is he?" Joe asked me. I searched through the records and found the guy.

"Blaine Anderson. There's a phone number, should we call him and tell him what's going on? He was friends with Barry." I asked. Joe nodded. I called the number and waited for an answer.

(Phone conversation)
Blaine: Hello?
Cisco: Hi, is this Blaine Anderson?
Blaine: Yes, who is this?
Cisco: My names Cisco Ramon, I'm a friend of Sebastian's. Do you think you can meet with me and a few others?
Blaine: Sebastian? You know him?! Uh... yeah. Where? I can go now.
Cisco: Do you know where star labs is?
Blaine: Yeah, be there in a few.
(End of conversation)

"He's on his way."
10 minutes later Blaine had arrived. He ran in, obviously anxious to hear about Sebastian.

"Are you Cisco?" He asked.

"Yes. Thank you for coming." I responded.

"How do you know Sebastian, or Barry, whatever?" He asked warily. I didn't answer.

"Hi, I'm Caitlin. Before we talk about Sebastian, I need to ask if any more of Sebastian's friends are in Central City?" Caitlin asked politely. Blaine nodded while answering.

"Yeah, I can get them all here in 5 minutes. We were all here for a school reunion." Blaine told us. He stepped outside to call his friends, and true to his word, 5 minutes later the huge group of people burst through the doors. An angry Latina barged in fastest.

"WHERE IS HE? WHERE IS THAT LITTLE MEERKAT?" She yelled. A blonde came up to her and grabbed her hand, calming her. They all quickly introduced themselves. Blaine stepped forward.

"Do you know where Sebastian is?" He asked. The groups eyes set on me.

"Yes. Well, we did. This morning." I told them sheepishly. They all looked a mixture between relieved and worried, which really shouldn't be possible. Jeff spoke up, his arm tangled with Nick's.

"What does that mean? Is he okay?" He asked, tears almost falling. At that question Patty let out a sob. Caitlin went to comfort her, and Blaine's eyes flashed with recognition.

"I know you. You told me where Seb was. Well, Barry. Why are you crying? Why is she crying?" He asked worriedly. Patty decided to answer him without her eyes leaving the floor.

"Barry, Sebastian, whatever you want to call him, went home this morning. I went to our house and found it empty. Things in our room were smashed. I came here immediately. They told me he's missing. Kidnapped by an old schoolmate. I remembered how I had talked to Blaine, and told him where me and Barry lived. I thought it was my fault he's missing. It's not my fault... is it?" She asked tearfully.

"Did you say an old schoolmate?" Santana asked. We all nodded. She got a fire in her eyes that you didn't even see in Heatwave.

"Ooooohhh... Clarington, you are SO DEAD!!!" She yelled running out of the lab.

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