The Fall Of A Hero

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Glenn waited for Eric as he sat on the pathway. 'Eric is taking forever' Glenn thought, he shifted to the right and got to working. He place the first scrap in a L shape, he then placed another piece next to it and beamed a laser out his eyes sealing the scraps together. The metal burned and combined it together. Glenn examined the metal and continued working. He combined another piece making the slot for the wheels, then he added the structure of the roof on. People gathered and watched as he used his eyes and hands to make machinery possible, he was adding seats and places for the person to stand in, it was beautiful as it shine in the light of the sun. Glenn made a small adjustment then pulled the machine out onto the road." Stay back please, but I will take three people!" Glenn said as he grabbed three people. He placed them in the seats and locked them in. "Don't move." He sternly said. He walked to the front of it and climbed in a slot, he slid a strap over his waste and shot up.
The people in the sits got scared and worried, Glenn started to run in the slot then he kicked off the ground and him, the people, and the machine flew high in the air. Glenn smiled as his product was complete "wohhhhh!"

The people below shouted and cheered, the people on the sits felt like doves flying away. Glenn cheered again as they flew around the little town of Geator......

Eric was walking threw the streets of the markets, people offered him stuff, but he ignored them. He kept walking looking for a specific person, he asked around for who the leader may be, but everyone said they don't know where he was. Eric continued moving down the pathway, and entered a more torn down part of the market. There was a man standing there holding a sword, Eric walk by him and asked "do you know where the leader is?" The guy nodded and said "fight me for the information." Eric looked at him and laughed "me? Fight you? You gotta be kidding me!" The guy shifted to the right "what's the matter? To scared?"
Eric looked at him and said "ok look kid, I don't need to fight someone like you." The man chuckled then said "then this means you don't deserve to be call leader of the Four Deadly Men."
Eric moved forward and said "look I'm not part of the Four Deadly Men, I'm just a normal person looking for the leader of this town." The man on the right drew his sword and laughed "alright normal person fight me."
Eric grabbed his hilt "look step away or else!"
"Well I guess you have to fight for me to stop!"
The blades collided and sparks flew. Eric swung his sword under the guy, the guy shot forward like lighting and raised his sword, Eric blocked the sword with a swift swing up. They hit again and Eric's blade was nearly breaking the mans blade. The man striked forward, but Eric flew back. The man shot forward and missed, but Eric had enough, he swung the sword down breaking the mans sword into two. Eric raise the sword to his neck and said "I told you do not fight me, now where is the leader?" The man laughed as Eric held the sword "tell me."
"Ok you got me, I'm the leader." The man said as he pulled back.
Eric looked really confused, he lowered his sword and looked the guy in the eye. "I'm Ace, I run this town and I was hoping if I could higher you to protect are city." Eric still was confused at what the guy said. "So you couldn't have just said that at the beginning?" Eric asked as he shuffled to the right. The man 'Ace' was looking at Eric with admiration "well I had to see if you were really worth it, considering what the people say about you, and it's hardly ever to believe rumors." Ace was chuckling a little, but he saw Eric's face and knew that it wasn't funny. "Look you could have died, for all we know I could have thought you were a demon! And you could be lying on the ground DEAD!" Eric yelled at the leader and told him off. "I know what you mean, and I'm sorry if I might have frighten you, but I had to know. Anyway why were you searching for me?" The leader told him. Eric stared him down as he said "I needed to know information about renting a house, maybe a shack or may......."
"Wait, if you do something for me I can give you a place to stay" Ace said as he leaned back.
Eric stepped forward and put his hand on Ace's chest "what do you want us to do?"
Ace smiled and said "steal the Dronan, and bring it back to me."
Eric stepped back and thought about it, but it was gonna be so dangerous.

The Dronan is a crystal that has magical powers, it is a dangerous power weapon. If a demon or the devil were to get ahold of it, they could end earth forever. That could doom us to HELL!
Eric stepped back "I don't know if that will be possible, what if one of my men die or worse, I just don't know. Can I talk about it to my men before I agree?"
Ace nodded and said "44 hours before this offer closes, in till then I'll see you later."
Ace walked away as Eric was left alone in the empty streets. 'Why would he want me to get the Dronan, this just doesn't make any since, what he must want powers or worst.' Eric stepped away from the place he was standing in and started heading back in the market.
Meanwhile Glenn was flying above the town with the people on top, he was happy his plan worked. This would be perfect for him, Eric, Howard and Charles, he thought to himself. "How's it going up there!" Glenn yelled to the men above. They all yelled in agreement, he thought it was great. He flew over the tree tops and saw all the birds, but what came to his eye was Charles being thrown next to Howard. Glenn shifted to the right, pulling down and trying to land. The men above him all laughed as they flew threw the air. "Foolish man!" The yelled "we thought you figure out by now!" Glenn pulled lower to land, not hearing the men on the machine. He got closer to landing when one of the men stepped up and pulled on the piece of metal. "Stop! Get back in your seat!" Glenn yelled as the man pulled the metal out of its socket. DEMONS! Glenn realized that they were demons and spun the machine upside down knocking one off, then he shot to the right ripping another person off. The one in the middle shot his hand down into the top structure and grabbed Glenn's leg causing Glenn to crash down straight to the ground. He fought to escape but could not break free of the demons grip, Glenn looked down and saw the ground come closer to him. He fought the man by kicking constantly at the demon's hand, the demon held tightly as the ground came closer in till they hit, exploding into a pile of metal and blood.

Eric ran threw the market following the people that ran to the flying machine in the air. He stopped when he noticed Glenn fighting to escape the grip of the demon. Eric ran after the flying machine that was about to crash, and followed it for a mile as it turned and flipped. The machine came crashing down and exploded.

Eric ran to it as fast as he could, but was stopped as demons appeared preventing him from reaching his friend. He pulled out Brimming and got ready to fight. Forty of them cornered him in a big circle, Eric new what to do. He opened his hands and created a huge shield of fire over his body. The fire spread to his sword and he became unstoppable. Ten of the demons stepped up and ran at him, Eric was not stupid so he leaned down and spun around. Six of them were gone, and thirty four left. He kept count of how many were there. More of them got closer and attacked. Eric was trampled by loads of them, he kept fighting though, hitting them in the face with Brimming, kicking off and slicing down their faces. More of them came pulling Eric down, but he kept fighting. He saw all of them come up as he sliced back and fourth, 'ash' he thought 'ash, ash, ash, ASH!'
Ash came everywhere but moved with the wind as it traveled under their feet and behind them. The ash gathered together and formed Eric, the minute he appeared he threw Brimming at the crowd of demons and casted a spell on it. "For die I may, but to live I might, take this wrath of pain!" Eric screamed as the sword chopped off the heads of the demons. Twelve, eight, four ,one and zero. He stood there catching his breathe and calming down 'GLENN!' He thought. He bolted to the plane as he retrieved brimming, hoping that Glenn be alive......

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