Out of trouble

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I ducked away and barely escaped a blow from the man's fist when I kicked my leg out. The kick must've hurt because he fell with a cry of pain and held onto his leg. I took advantage of the situation and knocked him out. He was even uglier unconscious. To my left was a container and to my right a drainpipe. It would be too much effort dragging the man all the way to the container and probably impossible to lift him up and throw him in. So I chose to handcuff one arm to the pipe and admired my work. Good job. As I walked away, I pressed number one on my phone.
After the second ring, Shane picked up.
''Always a delight to hear from you.''
''Still thinking I would call you for anything other than work?'' I replied.
''As I said: a delight.''
''I've left him hanging on a drainpipe. I'll text you the address.''
''It's a 'he', again? Why is it never a 'she'?'' He sighed. I could imagine his disappointed face.
''Remember Ms. Deloro?'' I teased him.
Ms. Doloro had been one of the few women I had intercepted, she was almost fifty years old and got a huge crush on Shane, not much to his pleasure. She had about one or two teeth left in her mouth, same for her hair and she claimed to have not showered for over three years.
''That's why.'' And with that, I hung up. One last glance at the man and I was gone, off to my apartment. 

As I crawled into my bed, I saw three missed calls from Lisa. We had started the night at a party of one of our friends, Jason, but when duty calls, I reply. So I had left them without saying goodbye and completely forgotten about it.

The next morning I promised to have lunch together with the friends I had left behind. 
It was a typical Sunday noon, the sun was shining over the whole town with not a single cloud in the air. When I arrived at our local diner, Lisa and Dan were already there, sitting very closely next to each other. Too close.
''Am I that late?'' I looked at their coffee's, empty.
''Oh, no, we were just kind of early.'' Lisa actually started blushing.
''What happened last night?'' Dan subtly changed the subject.
Even though I was prepared for that question, it didn't make it any easier lying to them.
''I felt sick and went home.''
''Why didn't you say so? We could've driven you!'' Lisa looked honestly offended. Her heart was too big for this world. If only she knew what I did at night.
''I couldn't find you guys anymore so I walked, it's not that far.''
With that, everything was solved.

Lisa and Dan were more school friends than real friends.
We talked, we met but we didn't really share any personal information or talked about our problems or insecurities. Sometimes, when Lisa and I were in a good mood we would talk about boys but that's all. I didn't have many friends, none actually, besides Lisa and Dan. 

But I was okay with that. Maybe I did have one more friend, Shane.
Speaking of the devil.
 ''What are you doing here?'' I asked as I looked for my keys in my purse.
 Shane was leaning against the wall next to the door to my apartment. He had two cups of coffee in one hand and American cookies in the other.
''I came to check up on you.'' As I opened the door, I gave him a confused look.
 ''Why would you do that? That's something only nice people do. ''
I took off my shoes and gestured for him to do the same because they were incredibly dirty. ''That catch from last night was so small, I think you're losing your game.'' He said, pushed a coffee in my hands and made himself comfortable on the couch.
''My game?'' I crossed my arms.
''Hmm-mmm.'' His mouth was so full of the cookie he couldn't talk properly.
''Now speak, what's up with the free goods?'' I asked, holding up the cookie and coffee, still untouched.
 ''Who said it was free? That goes off your paycheck.''
He licked his fingertips off and finally confessed.
''There's a new gang in town, dangerous mafia guys.'' His voice became very serious.
''I don't want you to take the next job.''

My curiosity took over. ''What is the next job?''
''They're going to ask you to infiltrate or to at least try and get one of the guys of that mafia.''
''Wait, you're here unofficially? How badass of you. And stupid because now I have leverage."
He smiled but it was only half-heartedly.
''I'm serious! This is one of the most dangerous mafia we've ever faced. And we also haven't figured out why they moved here.''
''What's their name?'' I asked. It had been a long time since a job was that high-risk. And exciting.
''Classified.'' Shane shrugged.
''Oh c'mon! You're already doing illegal business now, why stop?''
''Don't start whining. Now, you're just going to say no and let it slide, okay?''
At that moment, it was hard to say no. His voice had so much authority in it when he spoke to me like that. ''I'll think about it.'' Was all I said before I shooed him out the door.

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