Chapter 1: First Day of Hogwarts

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Albus turned around to look at Scorpius. They were at the King's Cross Station, just about to attend their 7th and final year of Hogwarts. Ever since they saved the world together at the end of their 4th year of Hogwarts; giving Scorpius the confidence to ask Rose out -for her to turn him down- Albus was of slightly more hope than before that maybe, just maybe, would he have a chance on Scorpius. He had known for quite a few years now that the feelings he had for his best, and only friend were more than just friend-like.

As Scorpius had not yet shown any signs of feeling the same way for him, he was still too scared to even consider telling him how he truly felt.

Scorpius got on the train, waving goodbye to his father, who was smiling. Saving the world had really brought the two of them closer together. Scorpius had spent his entire life, worried that his father, Draco blamed the death of his wife, Scorpius's mother on Scorpius, and that that could be the reason for their distance in the past. He had confronted his father about this, Draco assuring him that that was not the case. However, Scorpius was not fully convinced.

As Albus had now hugged his father, mother and -surprisingly- his older brother James, he got on the train as well and found Scorpius sitting in the same carriage as he had each time they were on this train, for the past 6 years. Albus sat down next to his friend, hugged him and they smiled at each other.

"I missed you, Albus", said Scorpius, making Albus smile.

"I missed you too. I'm happy we get to spend yet another year together. You know I've never been too fond of Hogwarts, but at least I get to see you", he replied and they carried on talking about their summers. After a little while came Albus's younger sister Lily, walking excitedly towards the two boys' carriage.

"Lily... what are you doing here?", Albus asked his younger sister, sounding irritated and blameful.

"Well, all the other carriages are full, so I thought you would let me share this carriage with you and your boyfriend", she said as she closed the carriage door and placed her bags clumsily on the floor and sat down.

"He's not... we're not...", Albus desperately tried to convince her, but instead started blushing excessively.

"That's what I thought", Lily replied, laughing at Albus who was blushing and looking extremely embarrassed as well as uncomfortable.

"So... how was your summer Lily?", asked Scorpius, in a desperate attempt to change the subject to, as quickly as possible, get out of the embarrassing situation Lily had put them all in.

"I won't complain. I practiced a lot of quidditch. I'm in the Gryffindor team, you know. How was yours?", she said, looking at Scorpius.

"Ah, it was quite good actually. Me and my father spent most of his free time together", he replied.

The chattiness of Scorpius and Lily was starting to make Albus slightly jealous. He could see that Lily was looking at him dreamily. With Scorpius' blond locks and beautiful grey-ish eyes, it was not hard for Albus to see why Lily would like him. Albus knew from previous experiences that that was typical Lily-style. He tried not to put too much thought to it.

"Ah, finally back at Hogwarts. It's our final year, are you excited?", Scorpius asked Albus as they had got off the train and were now sitting by the Slytherin table in the Great Hall. Albus felt relieved that they had finally been able to shake Lily off of them, as she was forced to go sit by her house: Gryffindor's table. However, this was not something he would preferably admit to his friend.

"Eh, I don't hate it as much now as I used to, but it's still not my favorite place on the planet, like it was to my father", Albus replied. Not realising he had sounded slightly cold.

"Well, I'm at least excited. My father was never too happy to come here either, but I am. I enjoy getting to meet people and to be educated. I spent most of my childhood isolated at the Malfoy Manor, this is a positive change", he said.

Albus was just about to say something in response when the head of Slytherin made a gesture for them to keep quiet. Scorpius put one of his fingers in front of his lips and turned to Albus to quiet him. "Later", Albus whispered to Scorpius and he nodded in response.

Surprisingly many of the first year pupils ended up in Hufflepuff, in comparison to most years. After each and everyone of the first graders had been sorted into their house and they had finished the ceremony as well as dinner, Albus and Scorpius walked downstairs to the Slytherin common room.

"Albus, there's something I've been wanting to tell you for quite some time now...", Scorpius said as the two were sitting on a sofa. Albus gazed hopefully into Scorpius's gorgeous eyes.

"Scorpius, what is it? You know you can tell me anything", Albus said, as he looked curiously at his friend.

"I love you", Scorpius then said as he leaned in and kisses Albus' lips. Stunned as he was, Albus was completely incapable of uttering a single word and instead just kissed Scorpius back. Surprised, but unspeakably happy. However, the two boys were not alone in the Slytherin common room.

"I see Potter's son is fond of his Voldemort Jr. and they're both fags", said someone from the back of the room, causing Scorpius to immediately burst into tears. It was the first time since it was acknowledged Delphi was the child of Voldemort, that someone had called him that. Not knowing precisely what to do, Albus reached out his hand to Scorpius and said:

"Scorpius, don't listen to them", but he was too slow. Scorpius was already running out of the room, with tears streaming down his face.

"CRUCIO", yelled Albus and pointed his wand at the girl who had said the things that had caused Scorpius to run away. Albus immediately regretted what he had done when seeing the girl, several years younger than himself, in pain on the floor. It was merely an act of immense anger, and he had not meant to do it.

"I'm so sorry", he said to her, but it was too late. Albus Potter faced a lifetime of suffering in the prison of Azkaban.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Nov 20, 2016 ⏰

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