Chapter 18: A good kick up the backside

Start from the beginning

"Henry!" I yelled.

"Hi Emma" Pan said, turning around.

But he wasn't the only one there. There was another figure dressed in a cloak and hood. When they removed their hood, that's when I gasped.

It was Lilth!

Lilth's POV

~ 20 mins ago ~

After Pan had done whatever he had in his tent, he came back out.

"Lilth!" he called, "Come here"


"You are going to do something for me and you are still my slave so you must"

"And if I don't?!" I retorted, "What will you do?!"

"Well, I could punish Matthew"

"Okay, Okay!" I said frantically, "Just don't hurt him!"

I walked over to him and he placed a cloak and hood over my head.

"What's this for?" I asked.

"Henry's family are about to attack the camp. I want you to fight beside me, as my ally"

"But I promised I would help them find Henry, not prevent them from getting him back" I yelled, "I do not betray my promises"

"First time for everything, right?" Pan smirked. "Now lets go!"

~ Present time ~

I stood in front of Henry's family, by Pan's side, ashamed of what I am doing. I saw the look on their faces. Betrayal on Snow, David and Emma's. Anger on Regina's and worst of all, Sadness and disappointment on Hook's.

"I'm sorry" I mouthed to them.

"Where the hell is Henry?!" Emma yelled at Pan.

"You broke the rules, That's not fair! Bad form, I expected more from you, Captain." Pan retorted.

"Aye, and you'll get it" Hook said.

"Give Henry to me!" Emma yelled.

"Sorry, can't. Don't you know? Cheaters never win" Said Pan, a look of triumph on his face.

Suddenly, a heap more lost boys emerged and started to attack. Pan and I just stood there and watched it unfold until Pan told me to go fight Hook.

"What, why?!" I exclaimed.

"What? Did you think I brought you here for nothing?!"

I nodded and sighed. I ran down the hill, my dagger in hand. Felix was fighting Hook but when he saw me he ran off, leaving Hook and I alone.

"Well, look who it is. The traitor!" Hook glared at me. "You did work for Pan"

"No I didn't!"

"Didn't, past tense. What changed Lilth, why would you fight for a boy like that" he asked.

"I'm not fighting for him. You're not the only one who has to fight for the people you love"

"That is no excuse for what you are doing. You are preventing us from getting Henry!" He yelled. "Why?!"

"I made a deal with him. One to spare the life of my friend. Now if I disobey him then he will torture my friend, one of his lost boys" I told him.

"So you are protecting a lost boy, one of Pan's minions?!"

Our swords clanked together, so far he was winning.

"He was there for me for days that felt like years. And where were you, probably sipping coconut juice with your girlfriend Emma. You didn't bother to look for me, the only reason you came now was to get Henry. So I ask you, why would I want to fight for a man like you?" I asked him sassily.

"Because I care about you Lilth!"

"Bullshit! Not once in these few days did you think of me, where I was, How I was doing. You forgot about me." I yelled.

I saw Pan watching from afar, an amused expression on his face.

"And you know what was worse Captain, for those couple of days, I felt sad, unloved, unwanted and the worst feeling anyone should never feel... Lost!"

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