Chapter 2

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I look in the mirror one last time, making sure I look somewhat presentable. I need to get that aftershave deal sorted and out of the way today.

"Lowe, have you finished that breakfast yet?" I say to Lowe as I walk down the stairs and join him in the kitchen.

His mouth is literally crammed with food when he spits an almost inaudible, "Yeah."

"Let's go, then."

I cringe, in my mind, at the fact that I used to say 'leggo'. I'm finished with trying to portray myself as a stupid ass nigga - I've begun my journey to become a gentleman. And hey, maybe it will make all the ladies swoon for me instead of ratchet hoes.

We go in the car and drive to get some files and a memory stick from Lowe's house - which the stupid idiot forgot to bring with him when he came over to mine - and then to town to buy some lunch for the meeting.

"Lowe, why did you buy a chorizo wrap? That's going to stink out the entire company's headquarters."

"Could you please stop calling me Lowe? My first name, Arthur, would be more than appreciated," Lowe said. "And I like chorizo, OK? It tastes great."

"Whatever," I say, driving to where the meeting was being held.

When we arrive, we ask at the desk where we are supposed to be and the lady takes us herself. When she walks away, I add a 'thank you' as I stare at her ass.

"Chris?" Lowe mutters, noticing I'm in a trance.

I knock it off and we walk into the room.

"Hi there, I'm Faye Spencer," a woman smiles, getting up from her seat to shake our hands.

Wow, she's beautiful.

"I'm Arthur Lowe and this is Chris Brown," Lowe introduces as his hand meets hers.

Faye then shakes my hand and I try and act as normal as possible by smiling. When she walks back to her seat, I can't help noticing that she definitely has a better ass than that reception lady.

Stop looking at asses, Chris; you're supposed to be a gentleman now.

Lowe and I take a seat each.

"I was speaking to a man called Michael on the phone who said he'd be present at this meeting. Where is he?" Lowe says as Faye sorts her paperwork out.

"Oh, yes, sorry - he's at the hospital."

Lowe looks kind of shocked. "Is he OK?"

"Yeah, I'm sure it's just a check up."

"Well that's annoying when he said he'd be here," Lowe replies.

I silence Lowe before he embarrasses himself anymore. "I'm sure we're in capable hands, Mr. Lowe. Mrs. Spencer knows what she's doing."

The meeting runs for a good hour. I usually become bored when I find myself in these situations but Faye is so beautiful to watch. Even the way she writes down notes on a notepad has a certain elegance to it.

When the meeting finishes, Faye finishes off by saying, "I think Michael probably won't be returning to this business deal so I'll take over from him permanently. Here's my card."

She hands Lowe her business card.

"Thank you. Tell whoever runs this place to sack that Michael," Lowe responds as he takes the card from Faye.

She ignores his comment. "How about we arrange a final meeting to make sure the deal's OK before we make it all happen?"

Lowe clears his throat. "Sure. How about next week?"

"OK. I'll send you an email once I've looked at my schedule so I can fit you into an appropriate time slot."

"Nice meeting you, Mrs. Spencer," I say as I open and hold the door for her.

"And you, Mr. Brown," she smiles as she walks away. "Thanks."

Wait a minute; I've just thought of something. MRS. Spencer? She can't be married. She looks too young.

"Please can I have a quick glance at that business card?" I mutter to Lowe when she's out of sight.

He gives me a strange look but hands it to me.

'Mrs. Faye Spencer'.

SHIT. She is married. Guess I'm going to have to get her out of my head.



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P.S. Arthur Lowe's on the right. :)

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