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"Thee!" came the familiar voice, resonating through the treetops.

Theodosia straightened. She was at work in the little hut Ahuil had constructed for her botany studies. It sat up in its own tree and was filled with samples she had collected. It also served as Louisa's de facto schoolroom.

There was a little bed in the corner too, for when Louisa came to stay. They had decided that it was best if she lived with Xochitl and Yoltzin, as the two little girls were very attached. But Louisa came over every day for lessons and often slept over, too.

Theodosia poked her head out the door and looked down into the forest. The familiar sight of Louisa's ginger head with two bouncing braids came into view. Now, instead of an elaborate dress she wore a simple shift and sandals on her feet, if she wore shoes at all. Xochitl and Yoltzin followed behind.

Louisa waved at her and then ran up to Ahuil who was below, cooking steaks over an open fire. He caught her up in his arms. Ahuil was becoming like a second father to her. Cualli was her true father but he didn't remember Yoltzin and so the little girl naturally gravitated towards the man who did know her.

Theodosia went down the pulley elevator and embraced them all.

"I'm so used to coming for dinner now," Xochitl commented, wiping her brow. "I don't even know how I used to cook every night. What a pain! Thank goodness neither of you mind it."

Ahuil laughed and kissed both her cheeks. They sat around the fire on stools fashioned from stumps and Ahuil portioned out meat while Theodosia added boiled tuber and a salad of fresh greens. They all chatted about their days eagerly.

It had been a day of rest; the two little girls hadn't come over for their usual morning lesson. Instead, Theodosia had spent all morning collecting samples and all afternoon categorizing and organizing them in her study. Ahuil, meanwhile, had been out hunting.

It had been three months since their return and their routine already felt completely natural. Thankfully, bringing the three others over had gone smoothly, except for the fact that Ahuil had nearly been seen on the path in England when he had returned. He had ducked behind a tree at the very last minute as a group of farmers passed by.

The transition through the portal had gone smoothly and though things were very strange for the first couple of weeks, they had pulled through — relying on each other like a little family. They had rebuilt their homes in the exact same spots as before and spent every day traveling between them and the settlement.

As dinner wrapped up, Theodosia ladled out sweetened hot corn beverage into wooden cups. They sat around the fire, warming themselves and talking.

"How was your day, Lou?" Theodosia asked, placing the girl on her lap and brushing back her curls. "I missed you."

Louisa rolled her eyes. "I just saw you yesterday! Yoltzin and I had ever so much fun. We went swimming at the waterfall downriver from us.Spent all day there and no one came looking for us."

Theodosia smiled. Louisa was completely infatuated with the idea that she was allowed to go wherever she pleased without accompaniment. Yoltzin was just as fond of exploring and whenever the two of them weren't having lessons or doing chores, they were roaming the whole of the Nextic world — exploring, swimming, fishing, and climbing trees.

Theodosia had never seen her sister so happy and it made her happy in turn.

As the evening fell over them, the girls returned with Xochitl to their house and Ahuil and Theodosia were left to clean up.

"I'm feeling restless," she confessed. "I was inside all afternoon. Do you feel like a walk?"

He smiled and took her hand. That's what she loved about him — that he could spend all day hunting but still didn't mind taking a walk with her every night. They both loved the forest in the evening, especially since there was nothing to be afraid of anymore. They liked to stroll about until they got so tired they had to go back.

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