Chapter 3 - Meeting

Start from the beginning

With a hop the cat sits on your lap, curling up again, smirking at you. "Why are you ignoring me, (Y/N)-chan? I just want your best, since I am the familiar spirit of this dojo. So why not lighten up the atmosphere with some fan service?" You respond, after punching the black fur ball on your lap: "Familiar spirit, my a*s... You're just a pervert, utilizing my father's kindness...!" As you ended your sentence, you look a bit stiff at your guest. God, now he must think you're crazy...

"I-I-Is this your c-cat, (L/N)-s-san?", Mob stumbles smiling nervously, pointing towards the black cat.

"Ehmmm...", you stumble, the cat and you look at each other in confusion, then at Mob, both shouting in a light shock, "Ehhh?!"

Mob just scratches his cheek, blushing lightly. "Oh my god, (Y/N)-chan, save me! He'll exorcise me for sure!" The cat screams and tries to hide himself in your bosom, you grab it at its neck, holding it towards Mob. "You can exorcise this?"

He nods lightly, a bit confused, "Get rid of him, immediately, he's a pervert...", you say with a pissed voice, the cat struggles in your grip, screaming. "Wait, wait, wait, (Y/N)-chan! Don't! I promise I won't do anything bad again, please save me!" Holding the cat nearer your face with an emotionless expression you ask. "You're sure? " The black fur ball just nods furiously. "Last chance, got it?" As you ended your sentence you let go of the cat, which instead of landing on the floor, floats mid-air.

"Did you bring the boy here to get rid of me?", the cat asks, clearly on edge. "No, not really, we met a few days ago, he's helping me to find White T Poison.", you answer calmly. "Oh, the boy you have a crus-" Immediately the spirit feels your strong grip at its neck again, flinching as you hold him nearer to your face, a murderous smile embellishing your face.

"What. Did. You. Say. Pack-kun?", you ask the cat nerved, still keeping the smile of yours. "N-N-N-Nothing, (L/N)-sama! Please let go of me." You did as you were told, keeping an evil glare towards the spirit, it jumps behind Mob in fear.

"Even though she's not capable of exorcising or seeing other spirits her beatings are damn painful...", it says shivering, "But you're quite strong too, boy, what's your name?" The menioned male flinches lightly as the cat spoke to him. "Ehmm... Shigeo, Shigeo Kageyama...", he answers scratching his cheek.

"But most people just call him Mob.", you add while shrugging with your shoulders, Mob just nods.

"Hmmm... Didn't know you had a MOB-fetish...", the spirit, named Pack, giggles quietly.


Because of your anger every other thoughts were wiped away from your mind. You jump of your chair on the bed, trying to grab the cat, you missed. Even though you buried your guest, who just blushes dark red and starts sweating again, underneath your body, your eyes search for the spirit, finding it floating in front of your closet.

"Too slow, (Y/N)chan.", Pack smirks at you. You lean your head towards the cat spirit, shouting "You and your stupid puns!" and sprint in his direction. Successful grabbing it, you hit the closet, as you wanted to start pinching Pack, you realize that slowly the stuff inside your closet is falling down.

Squinting your eyes, crouching down, you await the first books landing on your head, but it never happened. Your glaze goes upwards just to see your stuff, surrounded by a blue gloomy light, floating mid-air. Blinking a few times your face turns towards Mob, who holds his hand a bit higher, then all the stuff flies back in the closet.

The male sighs lightly as he lowers his hand. "That was close. Please be more careful next time, (L/N)-san." He says smiling lightly. "Seriously, you didn't realize that he's an esper?", Pack asks with an unbelieving expression on his face. You stiffly shake your head no, Pack just sighs loudly. "You're really a blockhead, aren't you?" The spirit starts squealing lightly as you pinch the cat's cheek. "(Y/N)-chan... Ouch... Ouch..."

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