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As I walk down the street, I remember everything he had heard in the news about the latest murder cases. According to reports, there was a new serial killer on the loose. I know that the police advise women not to walk alone at night, let alone walk, as I am now. Are just three streets away from the house of my sister to mine, I did not think I was going to have bigger problems. My brother in law, at the request of my sister, even insisted to take me by car, but I convinced them that did not. I was in my town, after all, and would not let crazy take my freedom to come and go as I please.

The streets are deserted, which is not surprising considering the almost terrifying warning police captain gave to the media. On television it was said that the preferred attack site of this murderous was the street, but something told me it was wrong. But anyway the population preferred not to risk it. Soon, my only companions were a few stray cats and dogs, they seemed unperturbed by the follies and threats in the human world. Maybe because they do not understand, or perhaps just do not care.

Arriving at the first corner after which home I left, I noticed that the bar that was there was closing earlier, since no client had appeared, which was quite unusual on a Saturday night. I saw a man who appeared to be the owner putting away the tables. He saw me too and in his eyes, I realized that he thought I was crazy to be walking alone in the present circumstances. I thought about how the owner of that bar should want this wave of terror to be over soon. It was not good for his business and the many others.

I keep walking. Nothing is different in the way. I thought it would be more terrified of the streets, I thought they would appear out of a horror movie in my eyes. But they were still the same as always. I should be afraid, I'm just like one delegate described the victims: tall, thin, blonde and without wanting to sound conceited, like models they see in ads and walkways. However, I feel nothing. I try to think that this killer might be behind me right now. To force myself to imagine the man who had been described (yes, the police were sure it was a man): High, a little strong, weird and with an apparent fear of women, but extremely violent. Even so, I do not feel a thing.

I admit that I feel like the three streets distance had become enormous. Not because of fear or something, but by exhaustion. It was late and I needed a good night's sleep. I wasn't sleeping for days now, something bothered me and kept me awake late nights. "Try to start doing yoga." This was the solution that my sister had suggested me when I said the problem with it. I decide I'll try. If you are helping my sister with pregnancy, why not help me with my insomnia? Maybe my problem was an imbalance between body and mind.

Finally get home.

The key doesn't work. Not again! I decided not to try again, the last thing I needed was the key to stay stuck or broke the door. Luckily, I had put the universal key that I asked the locksmith in my purse. This time, I managed to open the door.

I walk inside the house, but I feel that something is wrong. I look around me and I think the furniture had changed place. I don't remember having moved them. Maybe sleep deprivation was affecting me more than I thought. I'm glad I decided to go do yoga with my sister, I was clearly in need. I'm going to the kitchen. I don't bother to turn on the lights. It's late and I always preferred to stay in the dark. I open the closet and picked up a glass. Then I for refrigerator and picked up the bottle of water. I put the little water it has in the glass and drink. I turn to sink and wash what used and let dry.

I climb the stairs toward the bedroom. As soon as I enter, I put purse on the dresser next to the door and shooting clothing. After a few seconds, I realize what my gut was telling me since I arrived. Someone is in the bed. I know I should run, scream, ask for help or anything like that, but I can't. I'm stuck looking at the person in my bed. Fear: this is what is making me unable to move.

So I stand for what seems to be an eternity. Then I notice that the other person didn't notice my presence. She can't see, after all is sleeping. A sense of calmness invades me. Sleeping, she's sleeping. That certainly changes things and gives me an advantage. I walk to the bed tiptoeing, don't want to wake her up early. I confirm that her is in deep sleep and go back to where I had left my things.

I look again before opening my purse. My hands search until they find a rope. I pick it up and go back to bed. Carefully, I take the arms of another and move them above her head. Quickly, I tie her wrists to one of the strips of wood that is at the head of the bed. I go once again to my purse and I look for something. This time I open more and try to see inside. Finally I find what I was looking for: a dildo and a knife. I walk back to the side of the bed and support the knife on the nightstand. So I look at the woman lying in bed. She is beautiful. She has long blond hair, like I used to have before. Still admiring its beauty, I raise the sheet and, to my satisfaction, she's naked. Just like your face, your body is a pristine beauty. So angelic that doesn't seem to be the dirty the way it is. I climb in bed and support my knees on either side of her hips. I run my hand through her white, smooth, milky skin.

- Wake up, dear. It's time to wake up. - I say with a smile.

Her eyes open and I see the shock turning panic when her gaze meets mine. She, like all others, has the same questions as always: "Who are you? What you want? How did you get here?" Does no one else has creativity today? I remember the beginning, when I was still bothered to answer these questions. Now I just stick to what I have to do. It's a dirty job, but someone needs to rid the city of these succubi.

Returning to the present, I look at the woman beneath me. The despair in her eyes just makes her even more beautiful. I offer her a soothing smile. If she is a good girl, it would all be over soon. I turn my attention to the reason why I'm there. I adjust myself to the body between my legs, which is not easy since it doesn't stop moving. I can't complain, I love it when they try to fight. It's like watching a play, some, like this who I am today, almost make me believe that they really want to get away. As if I did not know this race. I stop stalling and give her what she so desperately needs and use considerable violence when I insert the artificial phallus. After all, demons as she did not deserve compassion.

As I follow my mission, her screams are louder, she tries to fight me increasingly. I tell her to continue to scream, even louder, if she wants. It is always good to hear doxies "suffer". The higher the resistance, the more I am amazed. I admit that they never cease to amaze me. I let out a laugh, after realizing that the woman I held beneath me was even crying! Who knew, a concubine could cry? It was just too wonderful and most certainly a moment that would stay in my memory forever.

My laughter seems to have encouraged her, for her protest grew stronger. After she almost hurt me with his knee, I renew my strength and violence in it. Who does she think she is? I come here and I'm still kind enough to please her one last time before I finish off her pathetic and harmful existence, and for it tries to hurt me? No, everything has a limit. She needed to remember who has the control here. I force myself even harder against her body and dig my nails into her scalp. I get my mouth close to her ear and tell her what she is: a plague. I say that the world is better off without sluts like her to corrupt men. She makes fun of my speech and me.

Although the debauchery was already expected from someone like that, I get tired of it. This minx doesn't deserve any more of my time. I decide to get it over with. I grab the knife and with a single movement, her throat open and blood gushes everywhere. I let this red liquid cover me, I let the smell of iron involve the room. This heady scent was the reward for a job well done. Now the city is safer and in my body flows the sap that proves what I say.

I walk to my clothes. Time to pack everything up, that part is never fun. I untie and take off the dildo that was stuck to my body. I put it back in the bag and I realize that the knife had fallen from my hand and I don't know where it is. Fortunately, it didn't take me much to find it and keep it as well. Finally, dress back up and hang my bag over her shoulder. I leave closing all doors behind me.

Now, I could go home. Now, I finally could have a night's sleep I so desperately needed.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2016 ⏰

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