Getting closer to friends

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Finally!! An update. I know... I'm horrible! (-_-')

" Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art. It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival"

(Next Day at the mall: Simon POV)

" What are we doing here?" I ask Annabelle confused. She looks at me with a smile, still dragging me to an unknown destination.

" You'll see." When we finally stop we're in the food court, just standing there. She doesn't move to go to a table and neither do I, she actually looks like... she's trying to find someone? " There he is!" She shouts. I look at her in bewilderment because of the sudden outburst. There's who? " Cain, come here!"

I turn to look. He's in a pair of faded ripped jeans, a snug blue shirt that says " I'm sexy and you know it", and his nike's have the same blue on it's check. A silver cross necklace hangs leisurely from his neck, and like a pendulum, it swings back and forth.

" What are you doing here?" I asked him, eyebrows drawn together. Although he looks just as baffled and I'm pretty sure I'm not going to get an answer. As if on cue, we turn to look at Annabelle in sync. She points to a table by the cotton candy stand where we go to sit... still confused as ever.


Annabelle shoves a gob of pink cotton candy in here mouth, not bothering to close it as she talks. " All you have to do is pretend to be interested in him! I know it's hard but you just have to. We need to get Palmer back from that hobo b*tch!" Annabelle glares off into space. Probably imaging her beating the crap out of Braisley... who she hasn't even met yet.

" I feel like I should be offended by that" Cain says with a frown. No ones really listening though.

Annabelle is very over protective of me, but I am practically her brother. I smile, her eye twitches and she's still glaring at nothing... I almost feel bad for that poor, soon to be disfigured, girl. Almost being the key word.

" The plan is to get Palmer jealous and then he'll see how much he wants to be spending time with me instead of her?" I ask.

Annabelle breaks from her weird little, serial killer trance. " Yup~" she exclaims with a triumphant smile, popping the " p". Sometimes I think she's bipolar... or at least has some form of ADHD.

" Uh... should we really be doing this?" Cain asks. " I mean, I will if Simon want's to." He shrugs and I look at him with my mouth agape. I didn't think he'd go for it.

" You'd be willing to like me?"

He looks genuinely perplexed at my question. " Of course. Palmer's my best friend and I know he loves you. Braisely did some stupid things back then, things I didn't think he'd forgive, but Palmer has always been one of those good guys deep down." He smiles at me. " Plus you're my friend too now. I don't want to see either of you get hurt." I look at him with gratitude and my eyes water a little. God, I'm such a girl!

" Aw~ What a sweet moment!" Annabelle squeals from her spot across the table, " but save it for later."

" So.... what do we do now?", Cain inquires after a few minutes of silence.

" I have no idea... why don't you just hang out here while I go buy some stuff for... the little cabin vacation or whatever. I don't know what to call it." Annabelle gets up from the table, before leaving she pats me and Cain on the top of our head's like we're dogs. Then she's off and running to the nearest hot topic.

" Is she retarded?" Cain asks raising and eyebrow, and patting down his head. He doesn't even have enough hair to mess up so what's he worried about....

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