the begining

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Ender POV
I could feel another pair of eyes on me and it wasn't my family. "Sky why do we have to go in its Halloween we should go get free candy" my twin flare wined as we approached the castle it has been abandoned for years now or so everyone thought. "come on it will be fun right ender" sky our big bro said and glanced at me honestly I wanted to go home and eat candy but sky had the idea to go and check this place out."..." I didn't know what to say I was with flare but I didn't want to seem scared so I stayed quiet

THIS IS HALLOWEEN THIS IS HALLOWEEN HALLOWEEN HALLOWEEN HALLOWEEN hello I know I haven't updated in a little and I'm sry :( but I have this small Halloween story and I will put up the rest of it if you PEPs want me to till then

#nightmare before Christmas

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