chapter two

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If that day didn't get off to a weird start it was about to. Jesses twin brother, unidentical of course, approaches me. My blood began to boil as I finally let it sink inm the most hot guy in this school was coming over to me. I started fumbling with my shirt as if it was the most interesting thing in he world.

I noticed this figure stop in front of me. I instantly knew it was him. But I lifted my head just to make sure. His green eyes pierced mine. I couldn't stop looking bat his perfect features. His hair was all over the place. His white shirt shaped his body perfectly. I felt like I was in a dream because he would never really want to talk to a cast out like me.

I watched as his butifully plump lips moved as he began to talk. "So your her?".  I pointed at myself and made sure he couldn't be talking to anyone behind me. He just let his lip rise in to a smirk and looked down at the floor. He finally nodded indicating for me to speak. "What did I do?". "You set my sister up with Hannah". At this point I thought he was going to kill me. "". I don't know where the sudden urge to have an attitude came from. But I thought for sure he was going to kick off, but he didn't. "Well thanks...she's happy...see you around cutie". I just stood frozen in place. Parker just called me cute/cutie and he said he'd see me around. What does that mean. Of course my female side kicks in and I over analyse everything that just happend.

I wish I wasn't a typical female and melt. He's the most popular girl in schools twin brother. He's the most popular guy in this hell hole.

He has never acknolaged me in the past four years. But now I'm in year eleven. For the past four years this rugged blonde haired god didn't even know I exist. But now his sister is hooking up with my best friend he wants to talk to me.

After I bumped in to parker I went straight to my locker. I pulled out my English book and started dodging people making out and arguing on the hallway. I will never be like that.  I notice I'm early for class so I pull out my phone and click play on the my chemical romance playlist.

As famous last words blast through my ear buds I decide to check facebook. I noticed I had two new friend requests and three messages. Both jess and parker had added me on Facebook. I decided to acsept then check my messages. The first message was from Hannah.

Hey bitch I need you at my house tonight I have news.

The second message was from jess

Hey thanks for giving me Hannah's number. I'm so glad I finally got the confidence to talk to her. I'm taking you shopping on sataday oh and my brother seems interested in carefully his ex is a phyco

The final message was from parker

I'm having a party sataday I expect to see you there cutie

I replied to parker first

Why should I??

coz I invited you...are you coming or not?

fine I'll come...but I'm bringing Hannah

I can't believe I just said yes to going to parkers party. The more pressing thing on my mind was why did did he invite me?


So what do you all think so far. Are we likeing the annker ship or do you think they both deserve better.

I'm on holidays right now so I'm gonna update as much as I can I write it all down before I put it on hear so the next few chapters are already written up.

Tell me what you think

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my best friends girlfriends brother is my crush Where stories live. Discover now