@sadiethecupcake's Story.

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Okay, so here's how the story goes. I found My Chemical Romance around a year ago. They had a track on the game Saints Row 2, which was Teenagers. I listened to it, and starting liking it. I went on YouTube a while later, finding the track Welcome To The Black Parade. I remembered listening to it when I was around six years old. I instantly fell in love with them.

They've inspired me a lot. I started drawing again, and I started to write more than I used to. Gerard Way is my hero. He saved me, picking me up when my depression peaked during the first year of senior school. 

When I heard about their break up, I tore apart. I couldn't function, knowing that my favourite band, those five men from New Jersey who just tried to fit in, had gone their seperate ways. I'd been clean from self harm for about a month or so when it happened, and, on that day, I picked up the blade again. I just wanted to end my life, because it had ended already, inside.

I realise now, at fourteen years old, that I can get better. Even though MCR are gone, they're not forgotten. They'll never be forgotten. I'm looking forward to their future; their greatest hits album, and Gerard and the other members' solo projects. I will always remember those five men who saved me countless times.

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