Test Your Loyalty

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((This one needs a lot of work and did not turn out the way I wanted, aw well))

    Deep below the earth, far from the suns rays and autumn breeze there is a network of tunnels and caves. Here the phantoms thrive. Here the pollution runs rampant and the light of Mira does not shine. Along side the sounds of dripping oil and skittering spiders foot steps can be heard echoing throughout the tunnels. A wolf, long since used to the dark and dreary environment, pads his way down the long winding corridors. He pays no heed to the phantoms along his way, the creatures are below him, not worth his time. The wolf soon reaches his destination as the tunnels open and give way to a large cavern.

  The room is large with high ceilings covered in sharpened rock formations, all dripping with the phantoms iconic goo. The canine huffs and slowly makes his way forward, careful not to step in any of the inky black puddles that line the cave's floor. His ears perk and his attention is drawn to the soft echo of voices, looking upward he sees two shadows spanning the wall behind the raised rock face. He cant quite make out the voices or who it is that is talking. With a raised brow the wolf continues towards the rock face, he is about to call out when the talking stops. The shadows move and the sound of foot steps is followed by the appearance of an arctic wolf. 

   "Greely! My brightest pupil! What great timing you have, come here my boy there is someone I want you to meet!" The wolf's voice calls down from the cliff, filling the room with its eery echo. Greely nods as the wolf walks back out of sight. Quickly, as not to upset the elder, he makes his way up the cliff face. The Arctic wolf is there to meet him, his smile filled with sharpened fangs, the old wolf places a paw on Greely's shoulder, "After your last success in the caves we managed to come in contact with yet another group of supporters of our cause!" the wolf beckons forward and Greely's attention is turned to the creature that scampers out from the shadows. 

"...A lemur?" Greely looks down at the mammal with a raised brow before turning his questioning look back to the Arctic. The lemur is lacking in its natural markings, the stripes are no where to be seen and instead its coat is pitch black. It looks up at the wolf, its face covered in a large mask. "I mean no disrespect, but I do not understand how this animal will be of any help to us." The old wolf laughs, it's a breathy ghastly sound, and walks forward to stand beside their guest. 

"Spies Greely! Think about it? How better to bring down the Alphas and their wretched cities than from the inside?" the lemur sits up at attention, "Think how shocking it will be when the Alphas find out that their own citizens, the ones they are fighting for, are turning against them!" the wolf laughs once more and the lemur claps its hands excitedly. Greely hums in thought, rolling the idea around in his head. "I want to see the Alphas fall and never recover, our little friend here is just the beginning. Soon we'll have all of Jamaa in our grasp." He smiles down at the smaller creature, "Alright my small companion, we'll discuss this more in the evening. For now I need to speak with Greely alone." The lemur nods enthusiastically and turns to scamper back down the shadowed hall.

The Arctic wolf waits till the sound of foot steps is gone before continuing, his smile has completely vanished. "I'm glad I didn't have to go and hunt you down, i'm in no mood for that." the old wolf stands once more and begins to walk up the cliff's edge, Greely follows without further instruction. "You know how proud of you I am don't you Greely? You've done so well, improved so much since when you first came to me." Greely continues to follow in silence, the older wolf does not look back. "Every day we're growing stronger and our borders are increasing by the miles. But I worry. I worry that your loyalty is wavering." He turns back, their eyes meet for a tense second. Greely breaks the silence.

"You know I would never bretray you-"

"Do I?"

"Of course! I've dedicated years of my life to your...our cause!" his voice echoes off the cave's walls, louder than he intended. The elder wolf stops, his position causes him to look down at the ExAlpha. Greely meets his gaze, stubborn as he holds his ground. 

"You've dedicated your life to your research boy! You've spent years filling that library of yours to the brim!" Greely shrinks back on instinct before straightening once more. The elder steps closer, "How do I know where your allegiance lies, You've done nothing but sulk around these caves! My caves!" the wolf snaps his jaws, just a breath away from Greely's face. The younger wolf's breath comes heavy, eyes wide in shock at the outburst. Seconds pass before a sigh slips from the arctic's lips, the elder straightens and turns away from his pupil. "You have done nothing to prove yourself to me Greely. We...I have no time to spare worrying over the loyalty of those within these walls." his voice is cold and final. 

Greely stares at the older wolf, a beat passes then another and another. He watches the arctic shake his head and continue his trek up the cliff's edge. This time Greely does not follow. Another minute passes before Greely clears his head enough to turn and leave. His thoughts are still swimming. How dare he be accused of disloyalty? He's been by the Elder's side since before they took control of these tunnels. The anger flares up and causes his limbs to shake, he stills and steadies himself at the base of the cliff. The wolf snarls and snaps, through the onslaught of emotions he can hear a familiar voice. Calm yourself Greely that's no way for an Alpha to act, what would the other wolves think?  He shuts his eyes, all these years and that voice still mocks him. He still mocks him, corrects him. The wolf opens his eyes and takes a breath. No longer. Greely came here to escape the judgement, to step out from someone else's shadow. 

If the elder wanted him to prove his loyalty so be it. 

With that the ExAlpha stood and left the cavern, he only had a small window of time to make this work. If it all went well he wouldn't only gain the Elder's respect but he would gain the fear of every animal in Jamaa.


Special Thanks to: pittertramp on IG for the use of their AJ Lemur!

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⏰ Última atualização: Nov 02, 2016 ⏰

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