chapter 3

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My plan was simple.

Well, maybe not so much.

I went to the attic and I got a gun just to be safe (even though i don't know how to use it). I went to their house and knocked again trying to ignore the blood puddle that is clearly seen from the window. No one answered. I knocked again then "Hold your horses" he screamed. Then he opened the door then he smiled and I can see that he's got only six teeth left (creeeeeepy). "How are you doing?" he smiled. "um... just fine can I see Mrs. Robinson?" I asked. Then his mood changed "She's on a vacation" he grumbled. "can I come inside?" I asked then he refused "but sir I need to make a letter for her" I argued. "Look little missy why don't you do it inside of your own house" he argued back " but..." I continued. "no buts now leave me and my house alone cause it's non of your beeswax whatever happened to her and I know what you've been up to" he shouted.

The whole I know what you've been up to totally creeeeeped my muscles (seriously, they shaked).

He tried to slam the door shut but I put my foot before the door just before he already slammed it shut. He shot me an angry glare. "Look, I - I don't know what you're t-talking about old man but-" I shivered but I didn't get to finish my sentence cause he dragged me into his house


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