I nodd.
"Let's pack." I say.  He nodds and we head upstairs to pack for the castle.


Here we are the castle.
"Ryan I'm nervous" I say

"I can tell" he says.

We walk in through the enormous doorway.
"Hello I am Bailey and I will be showing you to your rooms" a tall browned haired lady stood infront of us.
She had pale skin and brown eyes. She smiled kindly while standing in some black heels. She was wearing a white long sleeved shirt that was tucked in under a black slim skirt that was passed her knees.

She walked up some stairs and we followed to a big room.
It had light turquoise walls and the walk in closet was white. It had a little balcony that had looted flowers of all colours.
In the room was a white shelf with spaces to put keys, books etc. It also had a queen sized bed which had white sheets with turquoise bubbles on it. On either side of the bed were light stands with small white lamps on them.
Across the room was a vanity set with huge mirrors and many makeup material. Let's not forget the perfume and Hewlett box.

"I'll leave you two to unpack." Bailey said as she left the room. I liked the room a lot but there was one thing in my mind. I had to share a bed with Ryan. I mean we slept before as in cuddle but I don't want it to end out differently. That's usually what is about to happen until we realise what we are doing and we stop.

"I guess we have to share the bed" I said.

"Yeah. Do you mind or should I ask for a different room" he asked

"Nah its fine" I said. "You know as long as you don't mind."

"No I don't mind at all" he says smirking.

I slap his arm.
"Nothing else other than cuddling." I tell him.

He huffs and puts his clothes in the closet.

I sigh and put mine too.


We decide to go out for dinner.
Right now I'm reading a menu in a restraunt called Fine Dish.
I decieded to wear a galaxy top which showed my belly button. It wrote LIVE in white letters. I decided to wear some black ripped jeans underneath them. I wore some black vans and a black leather jacket. To end the look I wore a fake silver necalace (because otherwise it would have burnt me) which had two mini key tags attached to it.
It was casual not fancy.

"You look perfect" someone says.

I look up to see Ryan's perfect blue eyes staring at me. I smile.
"Thanks" I say.
I look at him and he smiles. Today he's wearing casual clothes like me but he look handsome or should I say hot.

"Well I think that I'm more charming than handsome. Or should I say hot." He says mocking me.

"Hey! I'm gonna say two things and you will do them.
First stop reading my mind. Second don't mock me. Only I can do that." I say jokingly.

"Ok sweetheart" he said in an elderly voice.

I was going to say something but the waiter interupted me.

"Here is your meal. You can call me from there when you are ready to pay. " he says pointing to a desk.

I thank him as he puts a plate of spaghetti infront of me and Ryan.
The waiter than leaves.
Me and Ryan dig into our food.


I wake up to birds chirping. Ok not literally but my alarm is the sound of birds chirping.

I yawn and sit on my bed. I feel so full. I look over my right shoulder to find a baby in the bed. Ok maybe not a real one but Ryan plays the part.
"Babe wake up" I say gently shaking him.

"Just 5 more minutes." He says turning over.
"You have an appointment with the king and queen." I say.

"What!" He says getting out of the bed and running to the closet.

I follow after him and go to my clothes section and look through my dresses.

"What to wear" I say quietly.

After looking for a bit I find a baby blue mini dress which wasn't that short. To match that I picked out some black flats.
Pleased with my clothes I go to the bathroom to change.

I look at the reflection in the mirror. I gasp from the view of my hair.
Ok I'm exadurating but it was very messy.

I let my wavy blonde hair out after brushing it.
I finally come out of the toilet.

"You look amazing." My mate says.

"Thanks." I say.
I go to the vanity set and take out my crown. I take a deep breath and put it on.

I face towards my mate.

"How do I look" I ask.

"I'm speechless" he says.
"Well I would love to hear your compliments but we have a meeting to finish." I say.
To tell the truth I don't even want to do this but we have to.

I take a deep breath and go out of the room while holding my mates hand.


Hi guys. I know that I have never updated what just happened but I was out of ideas and like in my note in that book I will put it on hold.
Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Thanks for reading!

Question of the chapter:
What do you think the king and queen will say?

Again thanks for reading and I'll see you next chapter!


- UnicornSena

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